Rola współczesnej Afryki na tle podziału Północ–Południe. Kryteria współczesnego podziału świata a problemy demokracji

  • Author: Katarzyna Męcner
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego
  • Year of publication: 2009
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 139-162
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: siip/9/siip907.pdf

The role of modern Africa against North–South conflict. The world modern division and the problem with democracy

To sum up all the foregoing considerations, it can be stated that a limited degree of social identification, together with political elites, constitutes an indispensable element of the functioning of political systems and those democratic ones, as well. Unfortunately, Africa is still a place of alienation tendency, manifested by political elites, which constitutes a basis prone to social conflicts. However, Africa has to encounter difficulties resulting from long-term colonial oppression. The problem also concerns various religions, from Muslims, Christians to the faith in traditional tribal gods. All this is a consequence of historical past. In order to make the plans for its development work, Africa has to defeat its biggest enemies first – the problem of famine, constant conflicts and dozens of wasted opportunities to stabilize the continent. Africa is abundant with such natural resources that no other country has them. “ In the moment of creation of the world God felt tired with the creation process, so he sat down and fell asleep. When he set off to continue his journey, he noticed that he had left a bag full of natural resources, which had been destined for other continents. That is why we have all the natural resources from the periodic table, such as: copper, uranium, cobalt, gold, diamonds, bauxite and oil,” said Isidore Mavambu Matumona Charge d’Affaires of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. What is also paradoxical, is the fact that Africa is the poorest continent of all, with civil wars, genocide, famine, lack of water and spreading disease, such as AIDS and malaria, which are considered to be world’s plagues. The solution to these problems lies in incorporating full stabilization in the continent. The interest in Africa is slightly smaller than directly after decolonization and the famous year 1960. The Fall of the Berlin Wall, changes in the countries of Middle East Europe in 1989 and the collapse of USSR directed the interest towards Europe. Africa appears in the public eye, only when it comes to events such as those in Sudanese Darfur, Ruanda or Somalia.

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