Legal protection of waters in the context of human rights
- Institution: Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski
- Year of publication: 2018
- Source: Show
- Pages: 14-24
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tpn/13/TPN2018102.pdf
This article shows the general prinicples of water protection in the international, European Union and Polish levels in the contex of human rights. Because deficit of drinking waters is very important issue not only in Africa and Asia countries but also in some state in UE e.g. in Poland with scarce water resources. The legal aspect of water protection against pollutants stemming from anthropogenic activity is complex and hence, is regulated in many conventions, directives and national laws. The very important for water protection is to limit iflows of sewage into water bodies or limit pollution at source, and effective remediation and restoration of the water damage. All contribute to improved quality of waters and ensuring their proper quality which is the basic human right to life.
międzynarodowe i krajowe przepisy prawne zasoby wodne international and national legal regulations prawa człowieka water resources human rights