Dostęp do protokołów z rozpraw sądowych w postępowaniu cywilnym w systemie portalu informacyjnego sądów apelacji warszawskiej

  • Author: Paulina Kosior
  • Institution: SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny w Warszawie
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 238-249
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tpn/14/TPN2018212.pdf

Legislator in Poland from 2010 started procedure of computerization civil proceedings. The biggest modification of the Civil Code and Civil Code of Procedure was introduced at 8 September 2016, from when both parties to court proceedings have access to electronic protocols, pleadings and have a possibility to submit pleadings via IT system. This article aims to describe the access to electronic protocols in civil proceedings based on the Information portal of courts of the Warsaw Appeal. The Information portal of courts of the Warsaw Appeal is a system, which can be used by both parties in a court proceeding, by attorneys, judges and prosecutors. This information portal includes courts in/on the area of the Warsaw Appeal Court. The Information portal contains documents„ which the courts have made, current information about court proceedings, dates of cases, electronic protocols and recordings. The considerations elaborated in this article relate mainly to the access of the electronic protocol in civil procedure, how the Information portal works and which effect it have on the momentum of the trials. The aim of the computerization done by the Polish Legislator was to accelerate the civil proceedings, allow to deliver documents made by court or by each party of proceeding, lower the costs of proceeding and simplify the proceeding. In conclusion it should be pointed out that the positive aspects of access to the protocols from hearings prevail over the information portal of the Warsaw appeal.

protocol computerization of civil court proceedings Information Portal of Courts of the Warsaw Appeal access to electronic protocols civil proceedings protokół informatyzacja postępowania cywilnego Portal Informacyjny Sądów Apelacji Warszawskiej dostęp do elektronicznych protokołów procedura cywilna

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