Przestępstwo udaremnienia egzekucji (art. 300 § 2 k.k.) a odpowiedzialność karna lekarza – studium przypadku

  • Author: Agnieszka Fiutak
  • Institution: SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny w Warszawie
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 69-81
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tpn/13/TPN2018105.pdf

The crime of concealing property incases related to claims for medical errors is particularly important. It concerns a patient who has suffered damage to his health by means of a doctor’s action and despite the fact that the compensation was awarded by the court he may not undertake remedial treatment or rehabilitation because the doctor prevents such treatment with his unlawful and reprehensible behaviour. Unfortunately, the current rules in Poland do not sufficiently protect the enforceability of the court judgment. For the patient, the amounts awarded are important and often decisive for the further process of treatment. Consideration should be given to prospective introduction of legal provisions, e.g. in the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Patient Ombudsman, to protect the patient as a special creditor in the event that the court awards a claim for medical error.

execution criminal responsibility a doctor Crime frustration of creditors concealment of property egzekucja komornicza odpowiedzialności karna lekarz przestępstwo ukrywanie majątku

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