How Does the Regulatory Focus Affect Problem-Solving Among Undergraduate Students?
- Institution: The Hashemite University, Jordan
- Year of publication: 2023
- Source: Show
- Pages: 180-192
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/202301/tner7114.pdf
The current study aimed to explore the effect of regulatory Focus – Promotion vs. Prevention – in problem-solving among undergraduate students at The Hashemite University. The hypotheses were that promotion focus students outperform prevention focus students in ill-structured problems but underperform them in well-structured problems, and prevention focus students outperform promotion focus students in well-structured problems but underperform them in ill-structured problems. The participants (n=170) were allocated into four groups according to their mindsets and the problems assigned to them (promotion with ill-structured problems, promotion with well-structured problems, prevention with ill-structured problems, prevention with well-structured problems). After the groups solved all the assigned problems, their work was scored according to Measuring Problem Solving Instrument MPSI. The findings confirmed the hypothesis that the regulatory focus affects how problems are solved.
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regulatory focus promotion prevention mindset problem solving