University and Non-government Organisations: Indispensable Partners in Global Citizenship Education in Spain
- Institution: Universidad Loyola Andalusia
- Institution: Universidad Loyola Andalusia
- Institution: Universidad Loyola in Andalusia
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 74-84
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201304/tner3406.pdf
Global Citizenship Education at university has been developed in Spain with the continued support of the Official Development Assistance and collaboration of Non-Gobvernment Organizations. In recent years, this assistance is suffering a drastic decrease in funding. Due to this situation, Spanish nonprofits and the University must enhance their collaboration in order to make a better use of the resources available. This article details a method for determining the collaboration factors in activities of Global Citizenship Education at university through the prioritization of experts’ preferences of collaboration. For this, it uses a quantitative technique called the Analytical Hierarchy Process on a sample of Global Citizenship Education professionals all over Spain. The results provide criteria that may help to establish a most suitable and collaborative action plan for Global Citizenship Education in the university space in the new changing reality.
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