The Challenges of Ukrainian Refugee Educators Abroad: Survey Results Based on the Example of Poland
- Institution: National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
- Institution: National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
- Year of publication: 2023
- Source: Show
- Pages: 134-146
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/202303/tner7310.pdf
Abstract The study presents the results of the online case study of Ukrainian refugee educators who were forced to move to Poland. The study aimed to investigate problems encountered by refugee educators and find possible options for supporting them and their professional activities per the interests expressed during the survey in the context of lifelong learning. The conceptual background of the research problem was based on the theory of adult education and the recent international strategies. The research sample consisted of 124 refugee educators aged 35–55+ years who have the potential to work by the obtained speciality. Data were collected using a Google Forms questionnaire; qualitative research methods were used. The results allowed for formulating conclusions and perspectives on the educators’ professional development and support.
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