Integrated character of information technology and educational space
- Institution: University of Zielona Góra
- Year of publication: 2003
- Source: Show
- Pages: 189-196
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/200301/tner114.pdf
Influence that information and communication technologies exert forces changes on educational system and at the same time education is searching for new, modern and innovative solutions. Integration processes that go along with this are additional force that makes responding to new challenges inevitable. It is impossible for each citizen to create his/her own, well-formed knowledge and to take responsibility for this activity without a fundamental change in education system, e.g. without resigning from teaching in aid of developing learning processes and shaping the ability to absorb future technologies. The article presents pedagogical and social aspects of changes which take place in the area of information technologies and influence they exert on extending the man's educational space both internal and external one. It touches on issues related to penetration of mediated space and cyberspace into it and formation of new forms and methods of communication.
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network communication network communities information technologies distance education lifelong education educational space multimedia