Life Orientations of the Polish Rural Youth
- Institution: University of Szczecin
- Year of publication: 2005
- Source: Show
- Pages: 96-108
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/200503/tner708.pdf
The presented study aimed at diagnosing the current situation of rural youth life orientations. The theoretical perspective, which I adopted for interpretation of the examined phenomena, is an emancipative education theory. The picture of life orientations presented by rural youth is not satisfactory. The prevailing form of preservative orientations (in particular a conformable orientation) among substantial group of the examined middle school students entitles us to state that there are many mechanisms and factors which are of importance for the quality of distinguished life orientations. This is a fact that brings worry from the point of view of the present situation, in which the prevailing part of rural inhabitants is. Inability to achieve emancipation by a decidedly larger part of rural youth generates a risk of expanding marginalization of that social group. This youth do not have a chance for changing their difficult situation just at the starting point into adult life, mostly due to the preservative orientation they represent.
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