Views on the Autonomy of Czech Students of Technically and Vocationally Oriented Secondary Schools and the Influence of the Significant Others on Career Decisionmaking
- Institution: Mendel University in Brno
- Year of publication: 2012
- Source: Show
- Pages: 193-205
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201204/tner3015.pdf
The presented empirical study deals with the career decisionmaking of Czech students of secondary technical (ISCED 3A) and secondary vocational schools (ISCED 3C). In the given population it is a difficult decisionmaking process with several critical moments. What is presented are partial findings of students’ and their parents’ views on the autonomy of the student and the influence of the significant others on career decisionmaking. The instrument of data collection was paired questionnaires for final-year students and their parents. Data collection took place in March and April 2011 at twenty secondary schools in four regions of the Czech Republic. The sample consisted of 442 students and the same number of parents. Although students as well as parents were inclined to believe that career decisionmaking should be mainly an autonomous affair of the student, the empirical findings show a not negligible influence of parents. Other significant others were attributed a smaller degree of influence by the respondents.
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secondary vocational school secondary technical school significant others secondary school graduate occupation choice further course of education choice career decisionmaking parents