Effects of Existential Issues Training on Marital Satisfaction among Iranian Women
- Institution: Islamic Azad University, Iran
- Institution: Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Institution: Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Institution: Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Year of publication: 2012
- Source: Show
- Pages: 29-38
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/tner.
- PDF: tner/201202/tner2802.pdf
Marital satisfaction is acknowledged as a prime indicator of matrimonial quality, and has consequently been studied in recent decades to identify and examine its determinants. Although existential issues from four contemporary existential counseling theories have been recognized for their potential to enhance matrimonial quality, existing literature reveals a complete absence of experimental research to evaluate the effects of the existential issues on marital satisfaction. Hence, this study aims to fill the gap by examining the effects of the psycho-educational training based on existential issues on marital satisfaction among Iranian women. In course of the interventional research, sixty married women from two health centers of the Tehran Municipality were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups, and then provided with 7.5 total hours of existential issues training over five sessions. The findings show that the training resulted in significant positive enhancements in the marital satisfaction of the experimental group in comparison with the control group.
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marital satisfaction existential issues existential counseling theories training