Support for Adults with Disabilities
- Year of publication: 2018
- Source: Show
- Pages: 258-266
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201801/tner20180121.pdf
This paper is a hermeneutic analysis of selected academic publications. This paper examines a number of issues related to undertaking social roles by adults with disabilities and the problem of their postponed transition to adulthood, restricting or delaying developmental tasks typical of adulthood, which has negative implications and may exacerbate disability. Support provided by various entities and institutions may reduce existing barriers and enhance their social integration. Both positive and negative effects of using social support by people with disabilities have been pointed out. Sources of social support have been listed along with their specifics. The analysis included the disabled person’s gender, as it determines the nature of support and its reception. Finally, the need for personalised support was emphasised along with risks resulting from institutional discrimination. The role of local community was highlighted as it corresponds to the concept of community-based support and the need to promote various initiatives aimed at integration and normalisation of life for people with disabilities.
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normalisation social support person with disability adulthood integration