Analysis of Cyber-Bullying Forms by Aggressors in Elementary and Secondary Schools

  • Author: Jana Kamenská
  • Author: Mário Dulovics
  • Year of publication: 2017
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 126-137
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/201703/tner20170310.pdf

The study maps cyber-aggressors in elementary and secondary schools, with regard to an analysis of cyber-bullying forms. The aim of the presented empirical research was to identify pupils in the research sample who had committed repeated aggressive behaviour towards another person via the Internet, as well as to find out significant differences in individual cyber-bullying forms by gender and attended school forms. The research sample consisted of 390 pupils of elementary schools and 541 pupils of secondary schools. Empirical data were collected with the use of the questionnaire method. 96 cyber-aggressors were identified in the research sample. They were pupils who ticked one or more statements relating to cyber-bullying forms, admitting that they had repeatedly used them. It was found out that the most frequent cyber-bullying form was insults, threats and name-calling in online communication, thus the so-called flaming

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aggressor pupil cyber-bullying elementary school students internet

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