Peculiarities of Interpersonal Cooperation of Youth with Different Vision Levels
- Year of publication: 2017
- Source: Show
- Pages: 227-236
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201702/tner20170218.pdf
The article contains results of the experimental analysis of cooperation pecu- liarities of young people with different vision levels (blind, visually impaired, with normal vision). Greater focus is placed on the statement that serious vision disorders depending on their kind and grade make the process of verbal and especially non-verbal means of communication mastering much more compli- cated. It has been established that young people with serious vision disorders have a low level of integration into social groups, are not active enough in com- munication, avoid close relationships with those who do not have any vision problems. The authors argue in favour of the importance of blind and sighted people’s cooperation activity provision as an obligatory condition for the development of psychologically proper communication and for the formation of social maturity of a personality, regulating its process of social integration.
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blind and visually impaired people visual deprivation communicative activity interpersonal cooperation communication integration