A Model of Living Values Education-based Civic Education Textbooks in Indonesia
- Year of publication: 2017
- Source: Show
- Pages: 139-150
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/tner.2017.47.1.11
- PDF: tner/201701/tner20170111.pdf
This research aims to develop a model of a civic education textbook on the basis of living values education. This study uses the approach of Research and Development at the stage of product development. Results reveal the follow- ing: 1) living values education-based civic education textbooks conceptually incorporate living values and the principles of living values education into the textbook; 2) the textbook chapters include title, introduction, concept roadmap, keywords, presentation of materials, clarification of the values of life, exercises, summary, reflection, authentic assessment, feedback, and follow-up activities; 3) the values of life can be integrated into the textbook through features of civic values, words of wisdom, analysis of life values, reflection, and attitude assessment.
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living values education textbooks Civic Education character student Indonesia