Why is Self-Determination Important for Students with and without Disabilities in Vocational Education?

  • Author: Marta Licardo
  • Author: Majda Schmidt
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 200-210
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/tner.2016.46.4.17
  • PDF: tner/201604/tner20160417.pdf

The purpose of the study was to determine differences in self-determination between high school students with and without disabilities and to determine the influence of three predictors of self-determination in vocational education: gender, group and grade point average. Research was done by comparing students with the method of pairs. The results show that students with disabilities have a lower level of self-determination than their peers; significant predictors of self-determination are group and grade point average. Results reveal important fields of intervention for self-determination development, especially for students with disabilities in vocational education. This is also the first study of student self-determination in Slovenian vocational education with specific cultural and education background.


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self-determination academic achievement vocational education students with disabilities

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