Development of some notions of the learning to learn competence in students of primary education in slovenia
- Year of publication: 2016
- Source: Show
- Pages: 17-27
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201601/tner20160101.pdf
The learning to learn competence is becoming more and more important, as it enables efficient learning, is developing awareness and planning one‘s own process of learning. With empirical research, we wanted to study some of its aspects in the 4th year (undergraduate) and 1st year students (postgraduate) of the Faculties of Education in Slovenia. To establish the students‘ evaluation of their ways of learning and competence to teach we used a questionnaire. With the use of the research, we established the growth of evaluation of the majority of aspects, which shows that the learning to learn competence is related to a better evaluation of students’ own way of learning and better marks. Reported findings reveal that this competence and its aspects have a great impact on the effectiveness of learning and success of students.
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Faculties of Education in Slovenia postgraduate students undergraduate students learning to learn competence lifelong learning