School experiences retrospectively: relationship between recall of bullying experiences and perception of schools by pedagogy students
- Year of publication: 2016
- Source: Show
- Pages: 167-178
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201601/tner20160114.pdf
The presented study explored the memories of 332 pedagogy students about the bullying experiences and their former schools. Findings indicate that: (1) young adults have very different experiences with bullying, (2) time spent at middle school was assessed as the worst, (3) general judgment of school was correlated with bullying experiences, especially students who were involved in bullying problems as a victim or bystander were less positive in their appraisals of school. The study provides a unique account of how young adults view their school experiences. Data is discussed in terms of its psycho-educational implications.
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school climate school bullying prospective teachers pedagogy students retrospective study appraisal of school