Living values education in school habituation program and its effect on student character development

  • Author: Didin Saripudin
  • Author: Kokom Komalasari
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 51-62
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/201501/tner20150104.pdf

This study describes the model of living values education (LVE) in school habituation activities and its impact on character development. It employs the design of research and development in junior and senior high-schools in Bandung. The model of LVE in school habituation is carried out by clearly defining the values of life and expected behaviors, learning of values in the real life contexts, regular awards for expected behaviors, proactive correction of deviant behaviors through clear procedures, and by using the principle of example, correction, awards, and enforcement. The application of the model of LVE in school habituation significantly affects the student’s character development by 42.1%. Thus, the model of LVE in habituation program can be implemented in schools.


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students character habituation living values education

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