Multidimensionality of Learning - a Report from Some Studies Among Candidates for Teachers
- Institution: University of Silesia
- Year of publication: 2014
- Source: Show
- Pages: 210-218
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201404/tner3816.pdf
The presented paper is based on extensive multivariate studies conducted in some academic centres of Poland which differ in location (the centre - the borderland) and socio-economic potential. What prevails in the theoretical sphere are references to studies in the area of social psychology of development and to the idea of constructivism. The research results provide a lot of information on teacher education. On the basis of the conducted diagnoses, four dimensions of learning are indicated by the author (identity of the professional role, experiences in relations with the Other, practice, social participation) as well as the process of cogeneration. This constitutes a thought provoking material, which encourages changes in contents and methods (in the current model) of training teachers. Such an approach to teacher education seems appropriate and needed, in compliance with the critical-creative view on educational reality and striving for positive solutions to social (thus also educational) problems. The study enriches knowledge in the field of pedeutology, intercultural education, and some other areas of pedagogy (as a scientific discipline) and education (as a space of social life).
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cogeneration constructivism intercultural education Multidimensionality the Other teaching learning