Foreign Language Training Organisation for Natural Sciences and Mathematics Students

  • Author: Sergey Panov
  • Institution: National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • ORCID:
  • Author: Olena Smolnikova
  • Institution: National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 46-50
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ve/1/ve105.pdf

The article deals with issues related to the methodological problems of organising training in translation from a foreign language into a native language by the 1st-2nd year students. At the same time, teaching methods improvement is an everyday task of the Foreign Languages Department of natural history faculties and the teaching staff for developing science in modern society. Modern understanding of language opens new perspectives for studying the relationship between languages and the possibility of translation. Teaching foreign languages for non-language specialities in domestic pedagogical institutions of higher education shows that despite the general recognition of the need to develop communicative orientation in foreign language teaching, teachers’ focus is to develop students’ skills for reading and professional literature translation. This orientation of education does not contribute enough to students’ mastery of professionally- oriented communication. At present, the problem of improving the quality of higher education, which guarantees professional training quality and translator competitiveness in the domestic and foreign labour markets, is becoming increasingly important and is one of the main tasks of our time. Modern socio-economic conditions in the world community require educational institutions to develop a clear account of the social order mechanism for a graduate. The implementation level of this social order determines the quality and specialist training competitiveness. Nowadays, there is a powerful communicative shift in the planet’s geolinguistic situation, as a result of which English has acquired the status of the international communication language. Proficiency in English at the present stage of social development is a necessary condition for any individual’s entry into the global communicative space. This statement also applies to the competitive, creative, modern technical translator.


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technical cooperation scientific programs natural sciences training mathematics foreign language

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