The Application of Internet Technologies for the Formation of the Professional Image of Heads of an Educational Institutions

  • Author: Anastasia Tytarenko
  • Institution: Alfred Nobel University
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 55-63
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ve/7/ve706.pdf

The study reviews Internet technologies that contribute to the formation of the professional image of the head of an educational institution, as well as pedagogical terms that ensure the effectiveness of this process. Based on the understanding of the essence and content of the professional image of the heads of educational institutions, the need for updating approaches and tools to ensure the effectiveness of its formation has been highlighted with the use of the most modern Internet technologies. It has been defined that the leading strategy to shape the professional image is online branding. The digital tools and means for that so have been found and described. It has been emphasized on personal websites or portfolios, blogs, professional social media profiles, digital publications, online courses and workshops, engagement with online communities, multimedia content, feedback and reviews, collaboration with influencers, engagement with alumni online, use of latest educational technologies, digital newsletters, webinars and virtual tours, and active crisis management. It has been shown that the application of such promotion channels extends the interested audience and contributes to the formation of a positive image of the head of the educational institution. The pedagogical terms for the formation of the professional image of the head of an educational institution have been highlighted. Among them the purposeful development of media literacy and digital competence of heads, blogging, personal branding, working up the visual branding, engagement, transparency of the activity of an educational institution and its head, implementation of crisis management, compliance of digital etiquette, constantly professional development, regular update of content and develop digital skills, presence and participation, as well as feedback and iteration in online networking. It has been concluded that while the internet offers tools and platforms to shape the image of educational leaders, it is the manager’s authenticity, vision, and dedication that really resonate with the surroundings. Digital platforms merely amplify and disseminate the intrinsic values and leadership qualities of the head of an educational institution.


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image professional image head of an educational institution Internet technologies pedagogical terms

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