Pedagogical Conditions for the Formation of Methodical Competence of Future Officers – Specialists in Physical Culture and Sports in the Process of Their Professional Training

  • Author: Yevhenii Kyrpenko
  • Institution: National Defense University of Ukraine
  • ORCID:
  • Author: Vasyl Yagupov
  • Institution: National Defense University of Ukraine
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 35-42
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ve/8/ve804.pdf

It can be confidently stated that the military-professional activity of the chiefs of physical training and sports in the Armed Forces is complex, multifaceted and multifunctional, which is not limited to their functional duties. We took into account the experience gained during the war and the feedback of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports. Future officers-specialists in physical education and sports should not only be able to implement their official competencies, but also to perform the tasks set before them by combat activity in the course of a full-scale war. The purpose of the article is to define and substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions that will positively influence to the formation of methodical competence in future officers (commanders) and specialists in physical education and sports. During the analysis of the scientific literature, the main aspects of the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions in the process of training military specialists were established. These aspects ensure high-quality and effective formation of methodological competence among future officers – physical culture and sports specialists in the Armed Forces of Ukraine during their professional training. We also conducted an expert evaluation. The experts were chosen according to certain requirements – combat experience, a candidate of science degree, a doctor of philosophy or a doctor of science, and more than 10 years of experience in training future officers. With the help of expert assessment and analysis of scientific literature, organizational and pedagogical conditions were defined and justified, which will ensure the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the formation of our psychological and pedagogical phenomenon. The first condition is the purposeful formation of professional and methodical qualities in cadets as future officers (commanders) and specialists in physical culture and sports. The next is the availability of modern interdisciplinary methods for the formation of methodological competence among future officers- -specialists in physical culture and sports of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the process of their professional training. It is also important to use objective criteria and indicators for diagnosing the levels of methodological competence formation in future officers-specialists in physical culture and sports. The final condition is pedagogical modeling of the formation of methodological competence in future officers-specialists in physical education and sports.


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physical culture and sports future officers methodical competence organizational and pedagogical conditions training formation

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