Developing Environmental Competence in Primary School Students Through Project-Based Learning in the Integrated Course ‘I Explore the World’
- Institution: National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 52-58
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ve/9/ve907.pdf
The article focuses on the development and implementation of project-based learning as an effective means of developing environmental competence among primary school students. It presents cases of successful projects implemented in schools and identifies their impact on learning outcomes that meet the regulatory requirements of the State Standard of Primary Education of Ukraine. The research problem addresses the formation of environmental competence in primary school students through project-based learning in the lessons of the integrated course “I Explore the World”. The study employed a mixed- -methods approach, incorporating theoretical methods (analysis of scientific literature and regulatory documents) and empirical methods (pedagogical observation, analysis of student work, and testing of educational materials). The results showed an increase in students’ understanding of the relationships between human activity and the state of nature, as well as heightened interest and activity in observing environmentally appropriate behavior in everyday life, which confirms the effectiveness of the project-based activities covered in the lessons.
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integrated course “I Explore the World” environmental competence project-based learning primary school students