- Author:
Katarzyna Jas
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Kwestia aktywności edukacyjnej seniorów jest istotnym zagadnieniem, gdyż dynamika zachodzących w różnych sferach życia przemian wymaga od osób starszych systematycznego zdobywania oraz aktualizowania wiedzy. Wiele organizacji, instytucji i placówek stwarza dogodne warunki do rozwijania umiejętności, podnoszenia kwalifikacji oraz przyswajania wiedzy najstarszej grupie wiekowej. Szczególne znaczenie w tym zakresie przypisuje się uniwersytetom trzeciego wieku. Celem tego opracowania jest zwrócenie uwagi na znaczenie Cieszyńskiego Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku oraz Międzygeneracyjnego Uniwersytetu Regionalnego w Czeskim Cieszynie w edukacji całożyciowej seniorów zamieszkujących polską i czeską część Śląska Cieszyńskiego. Uniwersytety te stają się miejscem zacieśniania więzi oraz kontaktów międzygeneracyjnych. W odniesieniu do teorii aktywności zapewniają seniorom wypełnianie alternatywnych ról społecznych, a co za tym idzie, przyczyniają się do samorozwoju osób starszych.
- Author:
Andrea Jindrová
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Department of Statistics, Kamycka 129, Prague 6 – Suchdol
- Author:
Hana Vostrá Vydrová
- Institution:
Independent Researcher
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Lifelong learning is not an aim but a means for continuous and permanent development and successful advancement of each individual. Not only does it bring competitive advantage at the labour market, but it also helps to solve problems and provides new knowledge and contacts. Thanks to lifelong learning any individual has an opportunity to get educated at various stages of his life in accordance with his own interests and needs and his value at the labour market is increasing. Lifelong learning differs from school education by a variety of means, methods and motivation. The paper describes and analyses one of the main stages of lifelong learning, which is the adult education at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (CULS). The main aim of this paper is to provide basic information on the lifelong education at the faculty of Economics and Management of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. Selected statistical methods of quantitative research were used in order to analyse the above-mentioned issues. The data were obtained from a questionnaire survey and analysed using the one-dimensional as well as multidimensional statistical methods. The basis for the analysis itself were the data about students in the courses of lifelong education in the combined form of studying at the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) of CULS in Prague between the years 2004 – 2012.
- Author:
Wielisława Osmańska-Furmanek
- Institution:
University of Zielona Góra
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Influence that information and communication technologies exert forces changes on educational system and at the same time education is searching for new, modern and innovative solutions. Integration processes that go along with this are additional force that makes responding to new challenges inevitable. It is impossible for each citizen to create his/her own, well-formed knowledge and to take responsibility for this activity without a fundamental change in education system, e.g. without resigning from teaching in aid of developing learning processes and shaping the ability to absorb future technologies. The article presents pedagogical and social aspects of changes which take place in the area of information technologies and influence they exert on extending the man's educational space both internal and external one. It touches on issues related to penetration of mediated space and cyberspace into it and formation of new forms and methods of communication.
- Author:
Monika Pilch
- Institution:
Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland
- Author:
Jerzy Stochmiałek
- Institution:
Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The following article constitutes a presentation of the occurrence of the media in the process of education and its consequences. A great stress has been put on applying the new information and communication technologies (ICT), such as the Internet, in the process of educating adults It draws attention to the great importance of the media in human functioning in the physical, psychic and social sphere. It underlines the possibilities that are enabled by the new technologies in the area of breaking the boundaries of time and space in the education of an adult. It also points out the potential threats accompanying man in their existence in the media reality