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Punktacja czasopism naukowych Wydawnictwa Adam Marszałek według wykazu czasopism naukowych i recenzowanych materiałów z konferencji międzynarodowych, ogłoszonego przez Ministra Edukacji i Nauki 17 lipca 2023 r.

Scoring of scientific journals of Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek according to the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences, announced by the Minister of Education and Science on July 17, 2023.

  • Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne – 100 pts
  • Edukacja Międzykulturowa – 100 pts
  • Historia Slavorum Occidentis – 100 pts
  • Polish Political Science Yearbook – 100 pts
  • Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego – 100 pts
  • The New Educational Review – 100 pts
  • Art of the Orient – 70 pts
  • Italica Wratislaviensia – 70 pts
  • Nowa Polityka Wschodnia – 70 pts
  • Polish Biographical Studies – 70 pts
  • Azja-Pacyfik - 40 pts
  • Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie – 40 pts
  • Kultura i Edukacja – 40 pts
  • Reality of Politics - 40 pts
  • Studia Orientalne – 40 pts
  • Sztuka Ameryki Łacińskiej – 40 pts
  • Annales Collegii Nobilium Opolienses – 20 pts
  • Cywilizacja i Polityka – 20 pts
  • Defence Science Review - 20 pts
  • Pomiędzy. Polsko-Ukraińskie Studia Interdyscyplinarne – 20 pts
  • African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies - 0 pts
  • Copernicus Political and Legal Studies - 0 pts
  • Copernicus. Czasy Nowożytne i Współczesne - 0 pts
  • Copernicus. De Musica - 0 pts
  • Viae Educationis. Studies of Education and Didactics - 0 pts


New journals

Co-published journals

Past journals

Coloquia Communia

Coloquia Communia

Paedagogia Christiana

Paedagogia Christiana

The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies

The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies

The Peculiarity of Man

The Peculiarity of Man

Czasopisma Marszalek.com.pl

The Constructivist Approach to Europeanisation ad personam: Towards Social Functionalism

  • Author: Janusz Ruszkowski
  • Institution: University of Szczecin
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 107-132
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/athena.2019.64.07
  • PDF: apsp/64/apsp6407.pdf

Europeanisation is a process, but theory of Europeanisation is a theory of impact and influence configured as a feedback between the EU and its member states, as well as international organisations, third states, and furthermore, between the EU and persons (both citizens of the EU and the citizens of the states outside of the EU). In researching the impact of European integration (and the EU itself) on specific persons, one should note that, for instance, Europeanisation of the Council of the EU officials is neither top- -down nor bottom-up Europeanisation, nor is it ad extra or ad intra one. The purpose of this article is to sequentially examine only one type of Europeanisation, namely ad personam (EAP), with the use of tools applied in constructivism. The study of ad personam Europeanisation is conducted here on the example of the Council of the European Union (CEU) officials.

Ideas as an Explanatory Factor in Political Analysis

  • Author: Piotr Burgoński
  • Institution: Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 72-85
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/athena.2020.68.06
  • PDF: apsp/68/apsp6806.pdf

The purpose of the article is to demonstrate that ideas can be treated as a factor explaining political stability and change. Based on the completed analytical tasks, it has been found that ideas have their own dynamics and therefore they deliver unique effects, influencing change or stability of policies. The article demonstrates that the impact ideas have on the political process depends on the understanding of human behaviour in the field of politics. The article reviews the ideational dimension with reference to behaviours covered by the rational choice theory, by historical, sociological and discoursive institutionalism and constructivism. As a result of the analytic tasks, certain differences have been revealed between the above mentioned approaches in terms of understanding the impact of ideas. What the approaches have in common is a close link between ideas and political actors. The article covers theoretical issues without considering methodology aspects. It is based on the outcomes of study projects carried out by authors recognized in the so-called school of ideas, formed in political science following the “ideational shift” during the 1990s and reflecting until the present day on the ideational dimension of politics.

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