- Author:
Piotr Gołdyn
- Year of publication:
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Characteristic of the Gorzów teachers in the light of personal quetionnaires from 1950
Different sources are used in biographical studies of various social groups. Similarly, for teachers you can also use a variety of materials. As far as teachers are concerned, these will be personal files, reports of pedagogical councils, as well as various questionnaires filled out for the needs of the authorities conducting or supervising. In the last case, there are, for example, questionnaries drawn up by the School Inspectorate in Gorzów, which teachers working in this city and the region were obliged to complete in 1950. Based on their analysis, you can create a certain picture of this professional group on many levels. These include, for example, age, origin and education. These questionnaires also include information on the employment of teachers, either before 1939 or during the Second World War, as well as after its completion. Additional information is forms of social involvement, and belonging to various social, professional or political parties. Questionnaries also include data on prizes and rewards. All this gives the opportunity to elaborate a certain picture of this social group. Of course, this material is the introduction to wider research on this professional group, not only in Gorzów, but also wider - regional or nationwide.
- Author:
Alena Doušková
- Institution:
Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
- Author:
Soňa Kariková
- Institution:
Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
- Author:
Dagmar Smailly
- Institution:
Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
- Year of publication:
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W związku z zainteresowaniem słowackich rodziców przebywających za granicą powstały i nadal powstają w ich społecznościach centra edukacyjne. Ich celem jest m.in. motywacja dzieci, oprócz nauki i zachowania języka słowackiego, do udziału w zajęciach tych centr i przygotowywania uczniów w wieku szkolnym do egzaminów komisyjnych - warunku koniecznego do ich dalszej edukacji - na poziomie wyższym w Słowacji, lub do ukończenia ich edukacji obowiązkowej. Centra edukacyjne dla społeczności słowackich są nie do zastąpienia. Oprócz działań edukacyjnych związanych z nauczaniem i zachowaniem języka ojczystego organizują wydarzenia kulturalne, spotkania rodziców, na których wymieniają oni swoje doświadczenia, oraz różne wykłady, których celem jest dostarczenie informacji o życiu w kraju aktualnego zamieszkania.
- Author:
Alina Szczurek-Boruta
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
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Childhood experiences and their significance in adulthood – a supplement to the studies among teachers from kindergartens and schools with Polish as the teaching language in Zaolzie in the Czech Republic
The article comprises a presentation of quantitative and qualitative studies, conducted among teachers working in kindergartens and schools with Polish as the teaching language in the territory of Zaolzie in the Czech Republic. Teachers’ experiences are analysed from the perspective of both the constructivist vision of a child, present in pedagogy, and Maria Tyszkowa’s concept of structuration and restructuration of experience (considered to be a part of the constructivist current). The undertaken reflections and the research results enable the recognition of the significance of childhood experiences for the professional development of beginners in teaching careers. Those reflections and outcomes can also enhance the development of teachers’ awareness and responsibility for providing children and youth with experiences that will be of crucial importance in their later life young.
- Author:
Ewelina Malendowicz
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 56 z oddziałami integracyjnymi w Bydgoszcz
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Education as an Subject of Interest of Polish Political Parties in the Second Decade of the 21st Century. Analysis of Selected Election Programmes
The aim of this article is to reflect on the pluralism of plans and projects of the school education system in Poland at the end of the second decade of the 21st century and the positions of political parties regarding reforms of children’s and youth education. The hypothesis of the research in the article is the assumption that the electoral programmes of Polish political parties are characterized by a plurality of educational visions. They often are proposals for reforms adapting education to the tasks of the modern economy, market and social changes. The research method used in the article is the analysis of source documents, i.e. political party programmes, as well as their comparative analysis. The programmes of 14 political parties, valid in the second decade of the 21st century, were analyzed. These were in the order: Democratic Left Alliance (SLD), Labor Union (UP), Polish Labor Party – August 80 (PPP-S’80), Party Together, Spring, Green Party, Polish People’s Party (PSL), Democratic Party (SD), Civic Platform (PO), Modern Party, Law and Justice (PiS), Coalition of the Restoration of the Republic Freedom and Hope (KORWiN), Right Wing of the Republic, National Movement (RN).
- Author:
Katarzyna Nowosad
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Polska
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Motivation of professional achievements of early childhood education teachers and their self-esteem
The education of the youngest students requires from teachers not only professional competences but also specific personality traits and motivation that goes beyond common standards, which is a striving to compete with the standards of excellence and adequate self-assessment in terms of their ability to act effectively. Taking into account the importance of this issue, the aim of the undertaken research was to determine the relationship between the motivation of professional achievements of early childhood education teachers and their self-esteem, and to verify the working hypothesis assuming a significant relationship between these variables. The obtained results confirmed the adopted hypothetical assumptions, providing interesting conclusions.
- Author:
Ludwika Konieczna-Nowak
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Szymanowskiego w Katowicach, Polska
- Author:
Agnieszka Sepioło
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Szymanowskiego w Katowicach, Polska
- Author:
Grażyna Dzwonowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski, Polska
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Therapeutic uses of music and anxiety level in teachers in times of pandemic – pilot study
During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in anxiety and distress in many populations. They particularly affected selected professional groups, e.g. teachers. Among the strategies for coping with anxiety and stress, interventions using music as a tool to reduce tension are showing promising results. For the purpose of this study, a therapeutic intervention protocol using various music-based activities was constructed. A pilot study was carried out to initially assess the effectiveness of the intervention, and – on the other hand – to check the feasibility of the proposed experiment in terms of methodology and practice. The study involved 13 participants (n = 13); a mixed study design with a triple-repeated measures was used (the GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Questionnaire). The results were interpreted both in an individualized and experimental perspective, with a statistical analysis (ANOVA, Student’s t-test). They suggest that the original musical intervention contributed to the reduction of the level of anxiety in the time course. Due to the size of the sample and the pilot design of the study, the results should be treated with caution.
- Author:
Renata Bernátová
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Preszowski
- Author:
Tetyana Nesterenko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Państwowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Berdiańsku
- Author:
Sławomir Śliwa
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych – Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Administracji w Opolu
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Preventive Competence of Students of Pedagogy in the Light of Scientific Research
The article deals with issues related to preventive competences. In the introduction, an attempt was made to define preventive competences, and then the methodological assumptions of the tests, The theoretical and cognitive goal of the presented research was to diagnose the preventive competences of teaching faculty students in Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine. The practical and implementation goal was to develop practical recommendations for educating preventive teachers in Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine. The main problem for which answers were sought was contained in the question: What are the competences of pedagogy students in teaching faculties? Specific problems: 1. What knowledge do students have about preventive measures? 2. What skills in preventive interventions do students have? 3. What experience do students have in the field of preventive measures? The research used the diagnostic survey method. The Preventive Competence Questionnaire (PCQ) was used, prepared by Sławomir Śliwa. Data analysis was developed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 19 statistical program. The research group consisted of 144 students from Poland (students of the Academy of Management and Administration in Opole) and 207 students from Slovakia (students of the University of Prešov in Prešov) and 39 students from Ukraine (students from the State Pedagogical University in Berdyansk). The research results show what level of knowledge and what level of skills in the field of preventive competences future teachers have. The article indicates areas of knowledge and skills that were rated the lowest and the highest. Finally, practical tips on educating future preventive teachers are included.
- Author:
Tomasz R. Dębowski
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Polska
- Author:
Michał Lubicz Miszewski
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Akademia Wojsk Lądowych im. Generała Tadeusza Kościuszki, Polska
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Challenges to teachers’ psychological safety in the workplace – pilot studies in the municipality of Strzelin
The study aims to show how teachers’ interactions with students, parents or legal guardians, and colleagues in the workplace affect educators’ sense of psychological safety. To this end, the survey and in-depth interviews were carried out among teachers of public educational institutions in the municipality of Strzelin (in the Lower Silesian Province). A noticeable scarcity of studies on the aggressive acts directed against educators and their consequences was the inspiration to undertake them. Publications on increasing the levels of physical, psychological, sexual, and economic aggression among students are much more common. The obtained research results show that many teachers feel “left behind” in the face of the aggression they experience, expressing the view that they cannot count on help and understanding from either the Ministry of Education and Science or their immediate superiors. Furthermore, the measurements showed that educators need to be more adequately assimilated knowledge of the legal protection to which they are entitled and are also unaware of ministerial initiatives to provide psychological support for teachers. The conducted pilot study argues in favour of the desirability of pursuing subsequent in-depth research addressing the issue of teachers’ psychological safety.