The Anglo–American Special Relationship
- Institution: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)
- Year of publication: 2004
- Source: Show
- Pages: 127-146
- DOI Address:
There are no greater treasures than spiritual values of the employees for their development and organizational development. Psychological capital provides a combined construct as a main contributor to the competitive advantage of organisations. The construct adds the value of positive psychological resources to the existing best measure of organisational worth, comprised of the more established constructs of social capital, human capital, and traditional physical and financial capital. The presented study examined the relationship between Spiritual Values and Psychological Capital among 100 school teachers and 100 non-teaching staff of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. A Spiritual Values Scale developed by Husain, Zehra and Jahan (in press), and a Psychological Capital Questionnaire by Luthans et al. (2007) were administered to them. The data were analyzed by means of Cronbach’s alpha and multiple regression analysis. Cronbach’s alpha for the total sample was found to be 0.947. Significant positive correlation coefficients were found between spiritual values and self-efficacy, spiritual values and hope, and spiritual values and psychological capital among males, females and non-teaching staff members. Significant positive correlations were also found between spiritual values and self-efficacy, spiritual values and hope, spiritual values and resilience, spiritual values and optimism, and spiritual values and psychological capital among university employees.
Formalna i nieformalna relacja między nauczycielem a uczniem jest istotnym aspektem, który bezpośrednio przekłada się na jakość procesu edukacyjnego. Z perspektywy inkluzji istnieje jeszcze większa potrzeba skupienia uwagi także na płaszczyźnie relacji nauczyciela i ucznia z innego kręgu kulturowego, ponieważ specyfika społeczno-kulturowa przenika do codziennych interakcji w szkole i w istotny sposób warunkuje motywację i uczenie się ucznia romskiego. Celem prezentowanych w artykule badań było wyjaśnienie istotnych aspektów relacji nauczyciel-uczeń, które mają wpływ na młodych Romów, oraz na ich postrzeganie szkoły i edukacji. Z badań wynika, że za istotne aspekty można uznać postrzeganie nauczycieli przez uczniów (koncepcje wstępne), poziom otrzymywanej pomocy i wsparcia, nierówności i dzielenie się z uczniami informacjami o ich perspektywach.
The article presents the sociological aspect of the empirical research carried out among students of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra in Slovakia, the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seul in South Korea and among students of the University of Silesia in Katowice, concerning their opinion on family life in the contemporary society and their preferred life model. The research was conducted on a research sample of 1341 students. The main research tool used during the research was a questionnaire containing 43 questions. The collected data were statistically analyzed in the program SPSS. The analysis of the conducted research shows a dissonance between the preferred life model and the significance of family life. Generally, most respondents preferred marriage as a type of relationship for the future, while claiming that family life is less and less important.
Attitude to Marriage as a Relationship Formalization Questionnaire was designed to study the dynamically changing forms of modern family. Article presents the most important demographical and social trends concerning marriage in Poland, which justify the need to create standardized tool for studies on attitude of young people towards marriage. Final version of the questionnaire consists of 42 statements, which comprise three scales of attitude toward marriage as: sense of happiness and belonging; relationship formalization and sense of safety; a result of actions resulting from internalized social and religious norms. Questionnaire has high psychometric values and can be used in studies of people aged 16-30. It can be applied in psychological, demographical, sociological or economic research.
South Korea is a country where gender inequality has been observed from the past to the present. Many studies point out that gender inequality in Korean society is a consequence of Confucianism which still exists in the social norms, structure and hierarchy of society and the mentality of contemporary Korean people. It causes that gender inequality remains strong not only in the job market but also in the gender division of homework and care work issues, particularly in the sphere of family life. The main object of this paper is to investigate the possibility of making marital relationships equal while women are economically active. To achieve the paper’s main goal, the statistical analysis was carried out with logistic regression on data from the Korean Longitudinal Survey on Women and Families in 2012 and 2020. The results indicated that despite the significant social and economic changes in Korean society, women’s activity in the job market did not introduce a significant change in the division of household duties among men and women, which shows women’s involvement in economic support of the family it does not make any significant changes to the aspect of equality in the relationship.
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