- Author:
Justyna Pikus
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Changes occurring in the modern world have a significant impact on the perception of a number of social phenomena that are studied by social pedagogy. One of them is violence in partnerships, which is associated with the stereotype of a man as the main perpetrator of violence. Stereotypes functioning in the consciousness of our community are often inconsistent with reality. Most people, however, have the conviction that they are true and unchangeable. This conviction led to the sole identification of the woman with the victim and the man with the perpetrator of violence. Most people are unaware of the existence of battered husband syndrome. The aim of the article is to analyze the phenomenon of female violence against men in the perception of academic youth. Research analyzes presented in the article focus on the assumption of changing the stereotype of man as the perpetrators of violence.
- Author:
Marta Mirosława Perkowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Polska
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The article explores the relationship between the attitudes of the respondents towards transplantation and their sense of coherence. The presented results were obtained through the statistical analysis of data collected in a group of 467 students. The study used a self-designed questionnaire and scale to study attitudes of academic youth towards transplantation alongside Antonovsky’s Orientation to Life Questionnaire (SOC-29). The results obtained prove that there is no correlation that would justify the conclusion that the sense of coherence of the respondents has a statistically significant connection with their attitude towards transplantation. However, the sense of coherence positively correlates with one of the components of the attitude towards transplantation. This concerns the level of Knowledge, which means that people with a high sense of coherence are significantly more likely to have a higher level of Knowledge related to transplantation. The data confirmed the existence of a correlation between the level of knowledge of the respondents related to the issue of transplantation and all the components constituting a sense of coherence, i.e. a manageability, meaningfulness and comprehensibility. Conclusions formulated on the basis of the obtained results point to the necessity of taking up a contemporary pedagogical challenge, which is health education aimed at shaping social attitudes towards transplantation. An additional recommendation is to enrich educational programs with activities the goal of which is to create a high sense of coherence in their recipients, which, by definition, should have pro-health consequences for a wide group of beneficiaries.
- Author:
Ewa Ogrodzka-Mazur
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Podjęte rozważania koncentrują się na kwestiach dotyczących przejawianych przez młodzież akademicką identyfikacji narodowych. W pedagogicznej analizie podjętej problematyki przyjęto konceptualizacje teoretyczno-metodologiczne, nawiązujące do: Pawła Boskiego teorii tożsamości kulturowej opartej na wartościach i praktykach w warunkach dwu- i wielokulturowej socjalizacji, Tadeusza Lewowickiego teorii zachowań tożsamościowych oraz teorii kontaktu międzygrupowego i wzajemnego różnicowania międzygrupowego, wywodzących się z hipotezy kontaktu. Podstawą do nakreślenia zachodzących procesów identyfikacyjnych w okresie aktualnych zmian społecznych stały się badania porównawcze przeprowadzone w latach 2018-2019 na pograniczu polsko-czeskim. Analiza oraz interpretacja zgromadzonego materiału empirycznego wskazują na zachodzące zmiany w obszarze kryterialnych oraz korelatywnych atrybutów tożsamościowych polskich i czeskich studentów. Są one warunkowane innymi czynnikami niż kulturyzacją i socjalizacją rodzinną, jak również zachodzącymi w różnym stopniu i zakresie zarówno w przeszłości, jak i współcześnie procesami asymilacyjnymi na polsko-czeskim pograniczu.
- Author:
Emilia Żyłkiewicz-Płońska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The sense of identity of academic youth from the socio-ecological perspective
The article is aimed at analyzing the identifications of academic youth, with pedagogy students as an example, on the basis of the assumptions of Uri Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model. Particular importance was given to the socioecological and contextual determinants in which the sense of identity of emerging adults is formed. The aim of the research was to analyse the development of the sense of identity resulting from participation in the socio-cultural conditions surrounding the individual. The surveyed emerging adults (140 individuals) aged 20–25 answered the question “Who am I?” using the TST (Twenty Statement Test) by M.H. Kuhn and T.S. McPartland (1954). The research was a pilot study. The collected research material was developed using a holistic content analysis of self-definitions. On the basis of the research results, it can be concluded that the surveyed emerging adults most often use identifications related to the individual with respect to gender, possessed personality traits or to the defining oneself as a human being. In addition, there were categories of sense of identity resulting from social roles in the microsystem (a family member, a student or an employee). Less frequently, respondents identified themselves with their nation or religion, which are the result of macrosystem participation. In relation to this, educational and preventive premises were formulated.