- Author:
Štefan Kseňák
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University in Košice
- Year of publication:
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Law is a social construction. It focuses on the regulation of social relations. The interpretation of legal rules is constantly adapting to the social context. On the other side, the law code strongly influences society’s development, determining the future social context. The Constitution, within the understanding of basic law in any country, is one of the basic legal determinants of the future social context of any country. The Constitution affects the form and the content of the future accepted legal determiners and their interpretation. The regulation of social relations by the legal code is about the human effort to achieve insurance in this uncertain world. This effort might bring the result respecting that humanity has not invented anything more effective yet. Any state and transnational community create own superparadigm - the identical worldview of the society. Regarding the changes of the social context, with no respect to its reason, there comes logically a change of social superparadigm. The Constitution responds to it as well as there are the activities of the courts, having the rights of constitutionality defenders.
- Author:
Joanna Stepaniuk
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication:
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Problematyka tekstu konkluduje wokół zagadnienia przemocy, którego źródła należy dopatrywać się w tekście „Przyczynek do krytyki przemocy” autorstwa Waltera Benjamina. Przedmiotem refleksji są różne formy przemocy ustanawiającej prawo, jak i przemocy podtrzymującej prawo, a także ich związku z wolnymi od przemocy środkami, a więc „czystymi środkami”. Takie podejście pozwala na krytyczną analizę zależności istniejącej między jednostką (człowiekiem), a funkcjonowaniem instytucji (państwa, władzy) opartej na określonych regulacjach prawnych. Tekst zachęca do zastanowienia się nad tym: czy przemoc rozumiana jako zasadna może być moralna? i czy wszelka przemoc jest środkiem do sprawiedliwego czy też niesprawiedliwego celu? Wydaje się, że część końcowa tekstu poprzez różnicowanie rodzajów przemocy, dzieląc ją na boską, mityczną, wychowawczą, pozwala odpowiedzieć na te dwa kluczowe, przedstawione wcześniej pytania.
- Author:
Elżbieta Kużelewska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Białystok
- Author:
Marta Michalczuk-Wlizło
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
- Year of publication:
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Małżeństwo osób tej samej płci a Kościół katolicki: Europejska perspektywa porównawcza
Małżeństwa osób tej samej płci zostały uznane w wielu państwach, w tym w katolickich. Według Kościoła katolickiego szacunek dla osób homoseksualnych nie może prowadzić do zatwierdzenia legalizacji związków osób tej samej płci. Normy prawne w niektórych państwach mają na celu ochronę małżeństw heteroseksualnych, gdyż zrównanie związków homo- i heteroseksualnych oznaczałoby utratę podstawowych wartości należących do wspólnego dziedzictwa ludzkości. Stanowisko Kościoła nie jest monolityczne. Są zwolennicy, którzy opowiadają się za zmianą nauczania Kościoła na temat nierozerwalności małżeństwa czy akceptacji związków homoseksualnych. W artykule przedstawiono, w których państwach europejskich (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem krajów katolickich) dopuszczalne są małżeństwa osób tej samej płci, ukazano związki między stanowiskiem Kościoła w sprawie takich związków a świeckimi systemami prawnymi. Istnieje ogromna rozbieżność w postawach wobec homoseksualizmu między katolickimi konserwatystami w Europie Zachodniej i Wschodniej. Konserwatyści katoliccy w Europie Zachodniej zrozumieli, że wolność seksualna jest kwestią bezdyskusyjną i nie powinna być mieszana w polityczne batalie o sprawy fundamentalne.
- Author:
Volodymyr Kaluha
- E-mail:
- Institution:
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
- Year of publication:
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The Society and State in Terms of Their Functional Core as a Source of Problematic Issues in Social Life
Numerous attempts to improve social institutions are conventionally nominal or declarative. The latter indicates that essential changes in this perspective are possible only as a collateral consequence of exertion in another sphere. Respectively, the subject of the efforts should be the person as a whole, including their culture, nature and way of being through certain activities. The efficiency of the effort is determined, among other things, by good will and the intention of the subject to improve, whereas the formation of the intentions is conditioned by experiences as emotionally affected or idea-driven. Thus, properly formed ideas about social institutions are the beginning of a systematic transformation of the institutions themselves conceived to be as humane as possible – both comfortable and favorable for self-realization of the person in accordance with individual growth. The afore-mentioned ideas should be based on the establishment of the functional core in human existence, i.e. the ability to meet specific needs and expectations. At the same time, various assumptions about what the phenomena, institutions or processes might be, do not only distract from the effective activities, including fulfillment of assigned duties, but also trigger numerous conflicts. Therefore, this article is aimed at understanding the functional core, and the place and role of a number of key social institutions in human life. The impetus for this reconsideration has been a desire to overcome the conditionality of everyday life, based on assimilated mass stereotypes as the truth due to systemic social training, concealed behind education and upbringing. In addition, contextually, the article represents an unconventional viewpoint on the relationship between law and legislation, correlated with nature and the status of man. Since the transitory link between human nature and human status is sexuality based on the established hierarchy of values, the realization or leveling of human rights, therefore, is determined by the system of laws, which is formed in accordance with the hierarchy of the intrinsic values. At the same time, the system of laws or norms of social action and interaction shows the functioning of the state as a mechanism to limit or control the manifestation of radical evil, in other words, the tendency of man to give themselves the right of exception.
- Author:
Magdalena Joanna Leżucha
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Ekonomiczna im. ks. Bronisława Markiewicza w Jarosławiu
- Author:
Karolina Czerwiec
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
- Year of publication:
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Human rights aspects of transgender people functioning in the contemporary world
The gender that is officially assigned at birth (male or female) is based on physical characteristics. However, it may not be compatible with gender identity – this is the way we feel and think about our gender. A transgender person is someone who has or manifests a different gender identity from the gender identity assigned to him at birth. A transgender person may choose to manifest their gender identity in a variety of ways. To make more permanent physical activity it is essential to use surgery and hormone therapy. This is a time-consuming and costly process that does not always involve complete gender reassignment. Transgender people experience transphobia and discrimination because of their gender identity, which is mistakenly associated with sexual orientation. The misunderstood concept of transgender causes that transgender people encounter intolerance, a lack of empathy, and the non-existence of safe social and legal spaces. This is mainly due to a lack of knowledge on the fundamental issues of transgenderism. Complex judicial procedures for sex reassignment, lack of funding for hormonal treatment and surgical genital correction, and the inability to marry are the cause of depression and a still high percentage of suicide attempts and suicides in this social group. Hence, it is important to draw social attention to the problems faced by transgender people and to disseminate knowledge about transgenderism.
- Author:
Dominik Boratyn
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
- Year of publication:
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Youth Councils as Entities of Youth Participation in Local Communities – Legal Analysis of Art. 5b of the Act on Municipal Self-Government of March 8, 1990
The article is part of a publication cycle on research on the institution of communal youth councils in local self-government communities in Poland. This publication analyzes the current legal regulations regulating the functioning of youth councils. Additionally, the legal basis for participation was presented, taking into account the provisions of the Polish Constitution as well as the act on municipal self-government. The essential part of the article is the analysis of the original wording of Art. 5b of the Act on Municipal Self-Government and the changes that have occurred in it after the amendment of April 20, 2021.
- Author:
Waldemar Żebrowski
- Year of publication:
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The entire political activity of a country resolves around the idea of o political system. It is based on several elements: human individuals (prime elements), political parties, mutual interest groups and authority units (secondary elements). Political parties and lobbies perform the role of a mediator in the process of communication between society and establishment. Various relations within the political system are regulated by legal and common laws.
- Author:
Magdalena Łągiewska
- Institution:
Department of Public International Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Gdańsk
- Year of publication:
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Chinese authorities have taken decisive steps to tackle violations of intellectual property (IP) rights in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The National People’s Congress (NPC) adopted a new amendment to China’s criminal law on December 26, 2020. These regulations entered into force on March 1, 2021. The article aims to draw attention to the recent developments and ways to fight against the IP infringement in China. The study focuses on the IP courts in China and then analyzes the recent amendment to Chinese criminal law. Therefore, it is based on the descriptive and dogmatic methods. The article seeks to answer the question of whether the regulations are effective and significantly prevent the spread of IP infringements in China. It brings us to the conclusion that China’s accession to the WTO was a turning point that influenced the development and the improvement of domestic IP regime. Hence, China became a country with complex, multifaceted, and contentious environment regarding IP rights. One of the most significant changes concern the establishment of IP courts across China. It is too early to determine whether these solutions are effective due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in China.
- Author:
Наталія Янчук [Nataliia Yanchuk]
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Одеський державний університет внутрішніх справ [Odesa State University of Internal Affairs]
- Year of publication:
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To a Matter of the Nature of Educational Law
The paper focuses on the legal nature of educational law. The current trend is an increase in the arithmetic progression of the quantity of brunches of the legislation. However, an increase in the branches of the legislation does not automatically lead to an increase in the branches of law. And if a certain branch of law always corresponds to a branch of legislation, then a branch of legislation does not always reflect a certain branch of law. This is quite justified in relation to educational law. Despite the fact that the term “educational law” is recognized as well-established, the issue of the status of educational law remains controversial. The paper emphasizes that the transformation of views on the relative nature of educational law has come a long way from complete rejection of educational law, when it was considered only a sub-branch of administrative law to attempts to justify educational law as an independent branch of law. It is carried out analysis of different approaches for determining the legal nature of educational law, namely: as a sub-branch of administrative law, as a complex branch of law, as a legal array, as an independent area of research, as a discipline, as a special part of information law. The author pays special attention to highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of representatives of various fields in justifying the status of educational law. Attention is drawn to the fact that none of the supporters of the separation of educational law as an independent branch of law has proved and shown why the issue of legal regulation of educational relations should be considered outside of administrative law. It is emphasized the need to include in the curriculum a separate course “Educational Law” in the pedagogical sector of education and postgraduate studies. This is not about the formation of a unified approach to the teaching of discipline “Educational Law”. The subject and system of the discipline should be determined by the target audience, as well as current trends in education.
- Author:
Oleh Ilkiv
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities, Ukraine
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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Review of the Principles of Proprietary Rights in the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China: Ukrainian Civilian’s Perspective
The article analyses the basic principles of property law in Ukraine and the legal system of the PRC in the conditions of active reform of private law according to international standards. Based on the analysis of approaches prevailing in modem Chinese jurisprudence, there is proposed own view on the system of principles of property law. The changes that have taken place during all the years of China’s Independence, which addressed many fundamental issues, including the legal regulation of property, are analyzed. The article describes many principles, so it should be noted that not all of them are directly related to property and proprietary rights because the latter concerns the legal status of private law, but in no way means equality of all types and forms of ownership. The paper explains different approaches to property treatment determined by the influence of German law. In modern conditions, Chinese law can be attributed to continental law, but along with them, there are many features highlighting its specific nature: the availability of normative legal acts (especially laws, codes); the presence of traditional legal norms and religious and ethical values in some areas of public relations; fixation of philosophical and traditional concepts, principles in legal understanding, legal norms, and other elements of the legal system; dualism of the system (existence of legislation and traditional norms). Property law is associated with many other problems to be solved due to the rapid pace of economic growth, innovation policy in China, the virtualization of business. Therefore, there is the problem of recognizing virtual property, caused by the need to regulate the rights to information, domain names, websites, online databases, treasures and loans used in online games, and so on.
- Author:
Radosław Zych
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Szczecin, Poland
- Year of publication:
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The purpose of this research is to establish whether it is permissible for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland to be involved in the electoral process when none of the states of emergency provided for by the Polish Constitution cannot be introduced. So, my aim is to answer the question whether the Polish Armed Forces can ensure the security of the electoral process in Poland. To this end, one must examine the Polish legal system, composed of not only provisions of Polish law, but also of binding supranational law and soft law. It is beyond the scope of this study to explore possible measures to be taken based on the provisions of Section 20, “Militarization and Protection of Objects of Special Importance for the Security or Defence of the State” of the Act of 11 March 2022 on Homeland Defence (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2305), since, as Article 600(1) provides, “in the event that a state of emergency is declared in the entire territory of the Republic of Poland, a state of war, mobilization, and in time of war, the Council of Ministers may extend militarization to the units eligible for militarization and under the obligation to perform tasks vitally important for the security or defence of the state”.
- Author:
Lina Storozhenko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
State University of Telecommunications
- Year of publication:
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Today, information and communication technologies are widely used in all spheres of public life; state policy is gradually gaining publicity and social accessibility; it becomes possible for society to actively participate in globalization policies and processes; the digitalization of public services is globalized and covers the whole world, which indicates a netocratic vector of development of modern society. Given the pace of development of globalized e-democracy and the world’s efforts for socio-economic recovery, it is necessary to update the priorities of digital governance in order to increase trust in governments and state institutions, and for this it is necessary to create effective legislation that determines the possibility of forming a perfect governance system and regulatory state policy in the field of e-democracy. The article considers domestic legislative acts designed to regulate and streamline management processes in the conditions of netocracy of society, to ensure their consistency, stability, balance (laws of Ukraine: «On Information », «On Information Protection in Information and Communication Systems», «On the National Informatization Program», «On Electronic Documents and Electronic Document Management», «On Electronic Digital Signature», «On Electronic Trust Services», «On State Registration of Legal Entities, Individuals – Enterprises and Public Formations», «On telecommunications», «On the licensing system in the field of economic activity», «On the Fundamentals of the Development of the Information Society in Ukraine for 2007–2015», «On the Protection of Personal Data», etc.). An analysis of the indicated domestic legislative framework indicates a quantitative growth and improvement of regulatory documents covering the digital spheres of public administration. It has been established that the issue of harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with world legal norms remains important.
- Author:
Anastasiya Pashova
- E-mail:
- Institution:
South-West University “Neofit Rilski” in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
- Author:
Petar Vodenicharov
- E-mail:
- Institution:
South-West University “Neofit Rilski” in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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- License:
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the CreativeCommons Attribution license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
In 1991, Bulgaria adopted the Law on Civil and Political Rehabilitation of Persons Repressed under Communism. The law came into force only in 1993 and continued until 1996. The article critically analyses the law and points out its undemocratic character in relation to the Pomaks, victims of the violant assimilation, the so called “revival” process. The Ordinance to the Law puts the victims in the position of seeking proof of innocence from the same repressive authorities that persecuted and killed them. The approved, but mostly rejected Decisions of the Municipal, District and Central Commissions, are analyzed and kept in the State Archive – Blagoevgrad (SAB) and Central State Archive – Sofia (CSA). The article traces the tendency of the Commissions to reject applications for rehabilitation of Pomaks, affected by the worst cases of murder and imprisonment during the name change.
- Author:
Yurii Voitenko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav
- Year of publication:
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The article examines the main state-building acts adopted by the highest authorities of Ukraine and the Baltic states starting from 1990 (as a result of the first free election of deputies of these republics in the post-war period) and until 2004 (when significant changes took place in the internal political and geopolitical context, in particular – the accession of the Baltic states to NATO and the EU, as well as changes in the form of government in Ukraine in amendments to the Constitution as a result of the so-called «Orange Revolution»). The article reflects not only the legal part of the specified period, but also the institutional part, in particular, in the part of the formation of both legislative and executive power in the specified countries. The interaction of political, regulatory and historical components in this article forms a holistic vision of state-building processes in their synergistic unity. The purpose of the study is to conduct a chronological comparison of the main statebuilding acts of Ukraine and the Baltic countries in the period from 1990 to 2004. The methodological basis is a chronological comparison of the normative framework of countries in the context of the processes of state formation. It was determined that the parliaments of these countries, which were elected in the spring of 1990, immediately began to fight for their sovereignty and set a course for separation from the union center. The August 1991 putsch in Moscow became the «trigger mechanism» in the declaration of independence of the Baltic states and Ukraine. From that time, these countries began to build their states independently, in particular in the political and legal sphere. First, there is a change in the name of the state itself and its parliament (getting rid of the Soviet one) at the legislative level, as well as the complete subordination of power structures and other authorities exclusively to republican structures. Subsequently, the main state symbols (flag, coat of arms and anthem), constitutions are adopted, the course of states towards a market economy through the denationalization of property and privatization is introduced, each has its own currency, property is divided with other republics, international treaties and agreements are adopted, and countries The Baltics (but not Ukraine) manage to completely get rid of Russian troops from their territory through complex diplomatic efforts. The latter also contributed to the fact that the Baltic countries, having immediately taken a course towards the West, later became full members of NATO and the EU. During this period, Ukraine only decided on its geopolitical vector, that it intends to join these international associations in the future.
- Author:
Agnieszka Banaś
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Opolski
- Year of publication:
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„Woe to the house where the wife leads the husband...” – A Review of Women’s Rights in Islamic Countries
This article deals with the rights of women in the Muslim world according to the Koran and the principles of Sharia law. In many areas, these rights are not respected, denied, or removed. Many women do not know their rights, believing their fathers and husbands, trusting in the eternal book, the Koran. However, changes in the legal field have been taking place since the 19th century thanks to women activists fighting to improve the lives of other Muslim women.
- Author:
Radosław Zych
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Szczecin
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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This paper analyses the concept of critical infrastructure (CI) in the context of electoral process organization. I will determine whether the seats of circuit electoral commissions (CECs) meet the relevant criteria. How can such facilities be effectively protected? What does international, European, and national law prescribe in this regard? I will examine doctrine and the provisions of the current legal system, including the documents of the National Electoral Commission (NEC). I adopt the statutory1 assumption whereby critical infrastructure should be understood as systems and their functionally interdependent facilities, including buildings, equipment, installations and services that are essential to the security of the state and its citizens, serving to ensure the proper functioning of public administration bodies, institutions and entrepreneurs. Critical infrastructure is comprised of systems which, for example, ensure the continuity of public administration.
- Author:
Karolina Mroczkowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
https://orcid. org/0009-0005-1241-4854
- Year of publication:
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The legal platform for combating terrorism in Poland
This article addresses the issue of terrorism and its counteraction in Polish legislation. Its aim is to demonstrate how Polish law is prepared to prevent terrorist incidents and which agencies and authorities are responsible for these actions. The article applies the method of institutional-legal analysis. Based on it, conclusions can be drawn that Polish legislation is relatively well-prepared to combat terrorism.
- Author:
Eugeniusz Kołpaczyński
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Pomeranian University in Słupsk
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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In the study, I made an attempt to present the intellectual achievements of Polish scientists in the field of state theory, theory of law, as well as security practitioners who lived and worked during the Second Polish Republic. Despite the passage of many years, their thoughts: insp. Józef Żółtaszek, prof. Czesław Znamierowski and prof. Juliusz Makarewicz retained the value of usefulness in modern times on the existing dilemmas of the internal security of the Polish state.
- Author:
Jarosław Piątek
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Szczecin
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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The phenomenon of corruption is becoming more and more common in Poland as much as it is throughout the world. The topic returns and it is still relevant. For the average person, this issue is often not entirely clear and requires a moment of reflection and analysis. Historical events often prevail when carefully assessing corruption. Many people do not understand that the abuse of public figures’ positions to achieve private gains, both financial and personal, is a crime. We deal with many types of corruption in today’s world. Corruption is present not only in central administration, but also in local government, where conflicts of interest deeply rooted in local economic, political, or official activities, are a frequent occurrence. The desire to improve one’s social or economic status often leads to committing crimes. The problem should worry and motivate us to take extensive actions to combat its mechanisms. It is worth emphasizing that public awareness of corruption activities, especially among the generation who lived in the times of the Polish People’s Republic, is low. Assessments and attitudes towards corruption change with age. The younger generation sees a connection between corruption and the actions of local government officials in many aspects. As a result, they associate corruption with a threat to their own security.