- Author:
Patrycja Stasiak
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- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication:
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This paper examines how the working conditions in Italy are represented in the literature of the last 20 years written by young authors, from the 1990s and the beginnings of Postmodernism’s influence on young people, up to the new century and its relative propensity for risk-taking. this article examines the changes that have occurred to society and its needs; emphasis is placed on the evolution of legal regulations and on the creation of the new literary topos, such as the call centre—a contemporary non-place of the precariat. In this article, much attention is paid to the necessity of writing as a method of capturing the reality, or simply as a way of making a living. the aforementioned issue, which is highly topical, became the subject of numerous novels written by the young and often unemployed. especially in recent years, this literary protest emerged to condemn flexible employment contracts. It is worthwhile to mention the following recent works related to these issues: Il Mondo Deve Sapere (Murgia) and Generazione Mille Euro (Incorvaia, Rimassa), as well as the classic Tutti Giù per Terra (Culicchia). the literary aspects of this essay are enriched by the theories of zygmunt Bauman, Richard Sennett, Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens to give an overall picture of the contemporary work conditions of the young, combining theory with real experiences.
- Author:
Роксолана Жаркова (Roksolana Zharkova)
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- Institution:
Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv)
- Year of publication:
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Interpreting the voice of the body in women’s writing (on the material of the drama “The vagina monologues” by Eve Ensler)
The article presents an analysis of corporeality in the structure of postmodern philosophical thought and the conceptual foundations of feminist critique (an essay by L. Irigaray). Based on several samples of the late XX century women’s writing, the article traces the problems of women authors searching and finding the voice of their body, and emphasizes the importance of accepting and comprehending the bodily forms of their nature. The main motives and authorial intentions of I. Ensler’s drama “The Vagina Monologues” are considered, the writer’s view on women’s language and speech expression of their own corporeality and sexuality is argued. Methods. The research is based on general scientific methods of synthesis, analysis, selection and systematization of material. Elements of psychoanalytic, anthropological, hermeneutic approaches are partially applied. The tools of deconstructivism and feminist critique are used. We use information from linguistics, anthropology, cultural and gender studies for interdisciplinary consideration of corporeality in women’s writing. The descriptive method allows to present the subject of corporeality in separate works of fiction. Results. It was found that the analyzed phenomena of the description of the female body in women’s writing create a projection of corporeality as a dramatized existence with its inherent characteristics: balancing between speech and silence, permissiveness and condemnation, courage and shame; search for exact language means; selection of rhetoric and stylistics peculiar to this theme; attempts to establish a verbal connection between the voice and the body, fear of losing this connection. Ukrainian women’s writing of the late XX century is also mentioned in this context, particularly when regarding the expression of the concept of “body” in thematic and ideological terms. Conclusions. Analyzing some examples of women’s writing (scholarly – an essay by L. Irigaray, and artistic – a drama by I. Ensler), we summarize that their problem-thematic direction is determined by issues of the body capable of self-narration and self-representation in public space. Some elements of postmodern symbolism of body and corporeality are decoded, o-corporeal metaphors of women’s writing related to women’s freedom of choice are explained. Women’s writing is defined as a symbolic way of telling one’s own experiences of one’s own body.
- Author:
Magdalena Wielgat
- Institution:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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Transmodernism and the Vision of Death by Marcin Błażewicz
Marcin Błażewicz (1953–2021) entered the group of Warsaw composers of the 20th and 21st centuries as a composer and philosopher. His works, full of existential considerations, focused on human religiosity and combined various philosophies and religions. The trend that was formed by his compositions is called transmodernism. Works written by Błażewicz were often based on the subject of death, viewed not only as a phenomenon of the end of life. The article aims to present the composer’s work, analyse the ways of presenting death, explains the concept of transmodernism, and broaden the knowledge of contemporary music.
- Author:
Marcin Kilanowski
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- Institution:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Between the Left and the Right, or Should We Be Afraid of the Truth and Praise Postmodernism?
Should we be afraid of the truth? This question is important not only for the world of philosophy, but also politics. Reluctance to fixed and immutable foundation used to characterize the left . This right has traditionally appealed to what is permanent, unchanging, universal, in what social order should be rooted. And for that it is criticized. It has been suggested that we should reject the right-wing chains, reject universalism, to become free and head toward postmodernism. Postmodernism today seems to give hope for further development, including policy based on new narratives – particularly left-wing. Postmodernism, as it is seen by Grzegorz Lewicki, seems to be close to the critical theory that can help us in the liberation and emancipation. Closer analysis, however, allows us to see that also in critical theory there is a desire to discover the truth about what is reality. It also allows to see that the category of truth is not as bad as it is painted. It is not necessary to get rid of the reference to the category of truth, because truth is not the problem in itself. We can still keep it without sacrificing what was the best in postmodernism. If we are successful, then there might be the chance to reconcile the left with the right.
- Author:
Tomáš Hauer
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The paper tries to carry out a philosophical analysis of some antinomies of the process we describe as globalization. We point out the disagreement between the expert and postmodern definition of globalization, the trend to drive out the postmodern conception of globalization from the public area. The globalization process is set in a broader context of social and political changes the liberal democracies went through in the second half of the 20th century. The examples presented by the author put emphasis on some negative externalities.