Experiencing Migration: A Child in a New Socio-Cultural Environment
- Institution: University of Białystok, Poland
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3355-0098
- Year of publication: 2020
- Source: Show
- Pages: 138-158
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2020.04.09
- PDF: kie/130/kie13009.pdf
The paper is devoted to chosen aspects of the situation of a child with migration experience in a new socio-cultural reality. The analyses undertaken in the article show the dilemmas and difficulties which accompany an individual functioning in the conditions of cultural differences. The text consists of two complementary parts. The first one presents specificity of enculturation and acculturation processes (learning of own and new culture). The second part describes the threads related to experiencing cultural differences and their psychological and social consequences. The consideration included in the paper enrich the narratives of people who experienced/are experiencing migration (mainly in the childhood) which are the results of empirical research (Polish context). The article may be useful to everyone who is interested in the issues of socio-cultural adaptation of children with migration experience.