Imigranci zarobkowi w Polsce: kim są ci, którzy skrywają się za liczbami? Przypadek ukraińskiej rodziny
- Institution: Uniwersytet Gdański
- Year of publication: 2020
- Source: Show
- Pages: 32-58
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/129/kie12903.pdf
Foreigners on the Polish labor market constitute a small percentage of all employees. However, since 2016 – that is, since the introduction of the “500+ program” – a dynamic increase in this group of employees has been observed, which suggests the growing demand for work of economic immigrants in Poland. In the population of working foreigners, the citizens of Ukraine constitute the most numerous group. Data from the World Bank, the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology, the Social Insurance Institution and the Supreme Chamber of Control allowed the author to outline the social situation of economic immigrants in Poland, and to show that Poland is (among others) an economically attractive place to work, especially for Ukrainian citizens. The analysis of statistical data prompted the author to ask the question: Who are those who hide behind the numbers? The answer to this question was provided by biographical and narrative interviews conducted in a Ukrainian family. The conclusion resulting from the comprehensive analysis of the empirical material indicates that the Polish state in its internal policy with insufficient care protects the economic and cultural rights of economic immigrants and their children.