Obszary wiejskie województw zachodniopomorskiego i małopolskiego – analiza porównawcza dynamiki zmian w latach 2004–2008
- Year of publication: 2011
- Source: Show
- Pages: 226-241
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201113
- PDF: ksm/15/ksm201113.pdf
Rural areas of the Zachodniopomorskie and Małopolskie regions. comparative analysis of the dynamics of changes in the years 2004−2008
The articles purpose is to compare the development of two regions, with the special Research period is between 2004 and 2008. During research were used basic measures of economical, social and demographical development. Attempt was taken to answer these questions, does this regions need different ways of development and instruments of activization? Does the four years period in UE was properly used by these areas? Conducted analysis didn’t gave clear answers for the questions. There are areas where the rate of changes are similar for both regions (GDP, average monthly salary in agriculture, population age structure) but there are also great differences, some on the side of Zachodniopomorskie region and some on the side of Małopolskie. To give clear answers to these questions there should be conducted more specific studies and use other like synthetic measures of development.