- Author:
Mariola Chomczyńska-Rubacha
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Nicolaus Copernicus University
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The results presented here are taken from empirical studies relating to the relation between academic achievement and sex, type of school, and self-esteem, as well as self-esteem and sex, school level, and academic achievement. Aside from specific issues, these results show, first, that levels of achievement and self-esteem in middle school show much lower values than in high school and primary school. Secondly, although girls show a higher level of achievement, there is no difference between their self-esteem compared to the self-esteem of boys.
- Author:
Danuta Borecka-Biernat
- Institution:
Wroclaw Univeristy
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The aim of the study was to evaluate the contribution of self-esteem and locus of control in generating in the youth an aggressive coping strategy in a social conflict situation. The study made use of a proprietary questionnaire to study the coping strategy of youth in a social conflict situation (KSMK), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES), and the questionnaire to Study the Locus of Control (KBPK) created by G. Krasowicz and A. Kurzyp-Wojnarska. Empirical studies were carried out in junior high schools [Polish: gimnazjum] in Wroclaw and the surrounding area. They involved 811 adolescents (414 girls and 397 boys) aged 13 – 15. In the light of the performed studies it was stated that low general selfesteem in youth and strong belief in the influence of others on positive or negative effects of events play a particular role in the choice of aggressive strategy of young people to cope in a social confl ictsituation.
- Author:
Tomasz Leszniewski
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The text is an attempt to use of Richard Borowicz research as inspiration. The aim is to broaden the perspective of research on the problem of social selection in the education system by adding a psychosocial aspect. The article contains a theoretical reference in order to allow for an explanation of the effectiveness of the mechanism of auto-selection and placement of it in the social practices of everyday life. Interactional perspective makes the problem of social inequalities present in the experience and consciousness of man. On the other hand individualistic tendencies in society are the conditions under which self-selection mechanism can both be forced out from public awareness, as well as subject to deregulation. The latter phenomenon may lead to equal opportunities.
- Author:
Piotr Alfred Gindrich
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland
- Author:
Zdzisław Kazanowski
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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This study aimed to examine the relationship between self-concept and creative/ non-creative attitudes among undergraduate students majoring in special education. A total of 99 Polish university students participated in the study. A creative/non-creative attitude – the dependent variable was examined by a Creative Behaviour Questionnaire by Popek. Students’ self-concept (including self-esteem) – the independent variable was assessed with a Tennessee Self-Concept Scale by Fitts. The outcomes of the regression analysis proved that the strongest predictors were found for non-creative (reconstructive) attitudes. The personal barriers to developing students’ creative attitudes (concerning self-concept) were identified. The article contains conclusions in conjunction with practical implications.
- Author:
Danuta Borecka-Biernat
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Wrocław, Wrocław
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The study aimed to determine the personality indicators of the avoidant coping strategy in adolescent youth in situations of social conflict. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (adapted by I. Dzwonkowska, K. Lachowicz-Tabaczek, and M. Łaguna), the Stress Assessment Questionnaire (Kwestionariusz Oceny Stresu, KOS) designed by D. Włodarczyk and K. Wrześniewski, and Questionnaire for Coping Strategies in Adolescents in Situations of Social Conflict (Kwestionariusz do badania strategii radzenia sobie młodzieży w sytuacji konfliktu społecznego) created by Borecka-Biernat (2012). The empirical research was conducted in middle schools on 893 adolescents (468 girls and 425 boys) aged 13 to 15. An analysis of the research results indicates that a young person’s low assessment of own abilities and the assessment of a situation of conflict as a threat or harm/loss co-occur with the avoidant coping strategy in situations of social conflict.
- Author:
Lenie van den Bulk
- Institution:
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Author:
Mart-Jan de Jong
- Institution:
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
This paper focuses on the question whether the perceived distance between the low status of the school that is attended by the pupils, the high ambitions of these pupils, and the feasibility of achieving these goals could lead to the total evaporation of any motivation to do well at school. Is educational success of pupils in the lowest level of secondary education hampered by the realization that one’s chances to reach a highly respected social position are very limited? In this article, we, firstly, study how adolescents evaluate people in distinctive social positions and to what extent they are aware of status distinctions. Secondly, what are the expectations and ambitions of youngsters and how do they describe their own characteristics when asked to respond to questions, such as “who are you?” and “where do you locate yourself in society?”. Thirdly, we analyze their views on society, their self-images and career expectations. We want to investigate whether these images and projections differ in correlation with their level and type of education.