- Author:
Natalіja Gromova (Наталія Громова)
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- Institution:
Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка (Україна)
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
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The transformations of the Bojkos’ Christmas Rites of the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains in the beginning of XXI century.
The thesis researches Christmas rites in Bojkivshchyna during Ukraine’s independence and is based upon analysis of scientific literature and a large amount of information sources. The author found out that motivation for many Christmas ceremonies was changed or lost; many rites cease to be actively used altogether. However it is proved that the basis of Christmas rites in Bojkivshchyna is retained better if compared to other Ukrainian regions. The paper describes and analyses reasons for changes and transformations of the traditional Bojkos’ winter rituals.
- Author:
Henryk Jurkowski
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- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Vertep is a part of the group of religious representations belonging equally to the church rituals as well as to the follklore customs. It was born with the other mystery plays together having their origins in the iconographic Gospel representations such as ”Christ cribs” in Byzantium and subsequently the performances of the Birth of the Infant such as the famous performance act prepared by saint Francisque from Asis in 1223. Later, the local puppet presentation of ”Nahvity" had developed. They were ”Navidad” and ”Nahvite'” in the western Europe and their counterparts in the middle Europe. Their common origin were the church utensils such as tabernacle or the small cabinet altar called retablo. These presentations in the middle Europe were called ”crib” or ”szopka” while in eastern Europe ”vertep”. The ”Nativity” included the shepherds' homage, the Three Kings) homage as well as the massacre of lnnocents and Herod's punishment. Later on the new secular motifs and characters appeared, representing problems of the folk life. At the time of modernism, real artists showed interest in „Nativity" giving it a new artistic interpretation. Vertep as a variety of ”Nativity” has its own properties and seems to be an independent product of the Ukrainian culture.