- Author:
Kamila Majewska
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The article serves as a summary of one of the parts of the research carried out under the NP-2550 grant in the Department of Education and Media in Education of the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The presented analyses concern the application of modern educational tools in the process of education. The work includes a discussion of the frequency, as well as ways, of using ICT devices by early education teachers. It shows the relationship between the presence of modern computer tools in the teaching process and the constructive-cognitive character of activities undertaken in the classroom. The research referred to was carried out among 148 teachers in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province. The analyses presented to the reader are mainly based on the quantitative data obtained on the basis of: knowledge and skills tests, observation, as well as surveys. The research material was supplemented with qualitative data obtained through the conducted interviews.
- Author:
Edyta Umańska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Smartfon as a designer gadget
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to present the smartphone as a multifunctional and socially desired object, which implements the following trends in design:
– miniaturization useful arts,
– advanced technology friendly to use,
– combination of technology lifestyle,
– building identity and distinctiveness of the consumer.
The penetration of smartphones in Poland and in the world from year to year increases in enormous pace. In 2015, 58% of Poles had smartphones (report Poland is the MOBI 2015). These figures demonstrate the continuous growth in demand for smart phones, which signifi cantly affects the development of this area of the market. Smartphones differ due to the many issues that have been presented in the text. Technological progress of these devices revealed in the miniaturization of their thickness towards maximizing the usable space. Another notable development is the desire of designers to facilitate the relationship and communication between the hardware and the user, which can be equated with the phenomenon of society pictorial aesthetics and haptics. The emphasis on the mobility of smartphones, and many personalization options for these items are aspects through which the design of these gadgets become socialized. The Prestige smartphones at every level is closely connected with wealth. Innovation is a high price. Sometimes, unfortunately, fear of the inability of the smartfonowymi trends revealed obselitofobią, who also would like to mention. This paper is a part of the forthcoming dissertation on the social life of the smartphone.
- Author:
Tomasz Huk
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The article presents the results of research that pertained to the manner of smartphone use in child upbringing during early childhood. The qualitative research was participated in by: a mother of a two-year-old girl and a mother of a threeyear-old boy. On the basis of the tests I concluded that this device is mainly used by mothers:-to occupy the attention of the child, to allow the mother to perform other activities,-to calm the child down at times of anxiety,-as a reward. The interviews have shown that for the respondents the educational function of smartphone are not significant, although they see them.
- Author:
Krzysztof Łuszczek
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Tekst dotyczy możliwości komunikacji międzykulturowej, jakie dają współczesne media cyfrowe. Analizuje możliwości jej rozwoju na przykładzie problemu masowej migracji do Europy. Dotyczy ona krajów, które są często dużo słabiej ekonomicznie rozwinięte niż kraje Europy czy Ameryki. Jak pokazują jednak dane dotyczące rozwoju technologii w tych krajach czy jej wykorzystania (np. w masowych ruchach społecznych z przełomu pierwszej i drugiej dekady XXI w.), obywatele tych krajów nie są „cyfrowymi analfabetami”. Podobnie jest z migrantami przybywającymi z tych krajów. Dlatego media cyfrowe, a szczególnie takie narzędzia jak smartfony, mogą być wykorzystane w międzykulturowym dialogu oraz pomocy migrantom na różnych etapach ich migracyjnej wędrówki. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza etapu podejmowania decyzji, wędrówki do wybranego kraju czy aklimatyzacji w kraju docelowym. Powstało szereg takich pomocy (przede wszystkim aplikacji na smartfony), które jednak nie dotyczą w równym stopniu wszystkich trzech etapów życia migranta.
- Author:
Maria Del Pilar Quicios García
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
- Author:
Maria Luisa Sevillano García
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
- Author:
Isabel Ortega Sánchez
- E-mail:
mlsevillano@edu. uned.es
- Institution:
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
This article describes some of the results obtained from the MICINN EDU 2010–17420 research project. One aspect focuses on the academic use of mobile telephones by Spanish students in 2012. The data collection techniques used for the study were questionnaires, discussion groups and “life histories”. The sample comprised students from five Spanish universities (342 participants). Analysis of the results highlighted the different academic uses of smartphones compared to non-smartphones.