- Author:
Jana Makúchová
- Author:
Miriam Niklová
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The Internet and cyber-space create a platform where a new form has emerged, i.e., bullying, so far occurring mainly within school premises. The study presents results of empirical research conducted at selected elementary and secondary schools in Slovakia in 2017. The aim of the study was to elucidate the most frequent current cyber-bullying platforms and occurrence of individual forms of cyber-bullying with regard to cyber-victims. The research sample consisted of 1004 respondents, aged 10–20 (AM 14.9). Empirical data were collected using the method of questioning in the form of a written questionnaire. We focused on cyber-bullies, electronic platforms and identification of cyber-bullying forms from the point of view of cyber-victims and pupils’ gender and age. It was found out that 24.50% of pupils reported to have been cyber-victimized, girls more often than boys. The most frequent form of cyber-bullying from the point of view of cyber-victims was abusive or offensive language on the Internet and spreading rumours on the Internet.
- Author:
Jana Kohútová
- Author:
Ingrid Emmerová
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The study focuses on pupils’ aggression towards teachers. The goal of the study was to determine a statistically significant relationship between the forms of aggressive behaviour and the age of teachers and the length of their teaching experience. The research sample consisted of 268 teachers of elementary schools, secondary vocational schools and grammar schools in the region of Banská Bystrica. Results revealed a statistically significant negative relationship between teachers’ age and the years of teaching experience in three forms of aggressive behaviour: refusal to obey instructions, intentional disruption and ironic remarks. A statistically significant relationship was observed between the length of teachers’ teaching experience and destruction of school property.
- Author:
Stanislaw Juszczyk
- Author:
Mária Vargová
- Author:
Miriam Uhrinová
- Author:
Zuzana Chanasová
- Author:
Alojz Kostelanský
- Author:
Mária Karasová
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The attitude of parents influences formation of children’s attitude to life. It is even more noticeable when speaking about media. The proposed contribution shows partial results of research carried out as a part of VEGA project No. 1/0913/15: Media literacy of young school-age children in the context of family and school cooperation. The character of the empirical research was diagnostic and quantitative-qualitative. The aim of the research was to examine media education performed in formal and non-formal ways among young schoolaged children in Slovakia. 28 schools from all over Slovakia were examined in the presented research. The contribution focuses mainly on findings from questionnaires given to parents and other focus groups, i.e. pupils.
- Author:
Miriam Niklová
- Author:
Michaela Šajgalová
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Pupils’ aggressive behaviour towards teachers is a serious educational problem prompting social need for its solution in the school environment. The present research study aims to monitor the current state of pupils’ aggressive behaviour towards teachers. The study is of a theoretical-empirical nature. At the theoretical level, the issue is relatively little treated in the Slovak professional literature. It is paid more attention by foreign authors. The empirical section of the study presents results of our research conducted in Slovakia in 2016 among teachers of the elementary school second level in the Banská Bystrica and Žilina regions, as well as among professional staff at centres for pedagogical counselling and prevention. The research paid special attention to forms of aggressive behaviour, gender differences and causes of these serious behavioural disorders in pupils. Pupils’ aggressive behaviour towards teachers may have a variety of forms of which the verbal form such as back-talking and vulgarisms towards teachers is the most frequent. Gender differences recorded in pupils’ aggressive behaviour towards teachers showed the prevalence of boys. From the aspect of causes of pupils’ aggressive behaviour towards teachers, those were mainly improper parenting and a lack of teacher authority.
- Author:
Mitja Krajnčan
- Author:
Andreja Sinjur
- Author:
Tanja Kranjec
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The development of social competence is reflected in the individual’s potential for constructive cooperation and behavior in social situations, in the possibility of establishing interpersonal relationships and understanding different viewpoints and in the capability of to tolerance and compassion. The purpose of this research paper is to compare teachers’ opinions on attained social competence of pupils with special needs and other pupils. A questionnaire for teachers was adapted. Pupils with special needs were slightly better at accepting diversity and difference and demonstrated a higher level of politeness than other pupils.
- Author:
Mihaela Cvek
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Primary School Rogatec
- Author:
Mateja Pšunder
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Maribor
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Studies show that mobile phones are an important part of youth lifestyle and culture. In establishing this, it is important to know how youth themselves perceive the importance of mobile phones in their life. Our research was based on a sample of 6th and 9th graders from Slovenia (n = 820). The data was collected using a questionnaire. The study showed that the most common reason for using mobile phones is to communicate with other pupils and the reason for having a mobile phone is to be connected with others. Moreover, various feelings and fears connected to mobile phone use are experienced by pupils. The study also revealed some possible dangers of MPs use by pupils. Based on the results, it is necessary to raise pupils’ awareness of the safe, moderate and critical use of mobile phones in their everyday life.
- Author:
Ingrid Emmerová
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Matej Bel University
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The increase in socio-pathological phenomena in adults in Slovakia during the transformation period manifested itself also in the increase in problem behaviour in children and youth thus creating a social need for increased effectiveness of prevention and its professionalisation in schools. In the current school practice, pupils’ aggressive behaviour, even against teachers, is not sporadic. Despite the severity of this problem it is paid little attention.