- Author:
Dušan Ristanović
- Author:
Biljana Stojanović
- Author:
Predrag Živković
- Year of publication:
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Building professional identities of student teachers at the beginning of their vocational education and professional training provides opportunities to explore diversity of practice and provide external support. In the available literature, there is only a small number of studies that explore the professional identity of pre-service and student teachers. The main problem of this research is to examine self-reported attitudes toward student teachers’ professional identity dimensions. The second aim of the presented study was examining the reliability and concurrent validity of the Student Teachers Professional Identity Scale (Fisherman & Abbot, 1998), which was used for the first time in Serbia. The initial sample of respondents consisted of 158 students from the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences. Results indicate that university students perceive teaching roles more as a specific job and not as a profession. They are goal-directed towards their job as teachers and perceive their practice as a part of their studies and not as a result of their professional identity development as teachers. The mentioned scale (for one-factor solution with the satisfactory criterion of confirmatory factor analysis) obtained very good reliability (α = .935) and concurrent validity indicators and values. Researching professional identity at early career stages can help educators to emphasize the multidimensionality and complexity of the teaching profession.
- Author:
Tina Štemberger
- Author:
Vanja Riccarda Kiswarday
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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The study aimed to construct and validate the Inclusive Competences Scale for educators (InComSedu). The basis for item generation was the “Profile of Inclusive Teachers”, a document developed by the european Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive education. Items were measured on a 5-point Likert scale. In order to test the validity and internal consistency of the scale, item analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach’s α were used. on a sample of Slovenian educators factor analyses proved the InComSedu had seven subscales: Team working and cooperation with others, Implementing knowledge about inclusive education and support, reflecting on and learning from inclusive practice, optimising challenges and approaching interdisciplinary, Accepting professional responsibility for each child’s development, Promoting resilience and professionality, and empowering children’s life skills. results indicate that InComSedu is a valid and reliable instrument for the evaluation of inclusive competences among educators.
- Author:
Vincent Charles
- Author:
Tatiana Gherman
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Faced with increased competition, business schools seem to have realized that having the strongest brands, hence, a distinct image, is vital to strengthening their presence in the education market. It is in this context that the presented paper focuses on assessing the dimensions of brand equity of business schools from the MBA-enrolled student’s perspective, with a specific reference to the Peruvian market. In this regard, it builds an instrument around five dimensions of brand equity, namely, brand loyalty, brand association, brand awareness, perceived quality, and overall brand perception. Additionally, it furnishes a snapshot of the Peruvian business schools sector by means of providing the order of dimensions pertaining to each business school. The analysis suggests that perceived quality seems to be the most important dimension of brand equity, while the overall brand perception is almost always ranked last. Conceptualizing brand equity from the MBA-enrolled student’s perspective can prove to be useful as this framework could assist business schools in designing marketing strategies to improve their brand equity and gain a higher student share.
- Author:
Paweł Kurtek
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The goal of the paper is presentation the indexmeasure concerning the classmatesschemes of adolescents’ with mild intellectual disabilities (mid). Psychosocial paradigm in rehabilitation inclines to get acquainted with subjective perspective which encourages to compiling instruments matched to cognitive abilities and social experience of the population. The theoretical approach of the tool is: the Theory of Social Schemes by B. Wojciszke (1986). The essence of these schemes is to see others as acting intentionally. As a key of partnerships (with classmates) there were distinguished two dimensions: help bullying and inclusion isolation which are very common presented in objective research perspective on mid. Due to the limited cognitive abilities of this population the research tool are based on Likerttype scale reduced to 4 options of choice. Moreover the items are formulated in easylanguage based on real episodes. The psychometric procedure included such steps as: preparing a set of items focusing on these experiences, estimation of the content adequacy (by 6 Competent Judges). Then a group of 103 students (55 female and 48 male) with Special
- Author:
Milena M. Letić
- E-mail:
milenaletic@ff .uns.ac.rs
- Institution:
University of Novi Sad
- Author:
Biljana S. Lungulov
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Novi Sad
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Starting from the modern understanding of giftedness as a domain-specific personality quality, research was conducted to determine the moral competencies of gifted students in different domains and to examine the psychometric characteristics of the adapted version of Moral Competency Inventory - MCI on a sample of 473 respondents. The results indicate that the original four-factor structure has been confirmed and that the MCI is a reliable and valid instrument suitable for application in other educational contexts as well. It was found that students gifted in different domains differ from each other when it comes to integrity and that this property is most developed in students gifted in the field of sports, then music, mathematics, and finally, visual arts. Such results indicate the importance and need for continuous professional guidance and intentional moral education of gifted students.
- Author:
Lee G. Baraquia
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Zamboanga del Sur National High School, Pagadian City
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The study aims to develop and validate a Teacher Grit Scale and determine its predictive validity for performance. This quantitative research utilized exploratory, confirmatory, and regression analyses based on data from 1425 teachers of the Department of Education, Philippines. Exploratory factor analysis established the factorial validity of a 2-factor structure as compared to 3-factor and 4-factor models. Confirmatory factor analyses from Region IX and Region X of the Department of Education reveal strong cross-validation between the 2-factor models and the data using goodness-of-fit indices. These outcomes show that the factors describing grit are: (1) Perseverance in Teaching and (2) Passion and Purpose in Teaching. Grit relates significantly to teacher performance. However, only the first dimension of grit - perseverance in teaching, established predictive validity with performance.
- Author:
Vincent Charles
- E-mail:
- Institution:
CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School
- Author:
Tatiana Gherman
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Loughborough University
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The presented study is a primary initiative in the Peruvian literature for understanding the factors which influence undergraduate students´ choice of a B-school offering a Master´s Degree in Business Administration. A self-administered questionnaire and focus group discussions were used in order to collect data from 700 respondents, with a usable response rate of 92%. Analysis of the data was carried on through exploratory factor analysis. The seven revealed factors which accounted for 63.2082% of the total variance were: Corporate Social Responsibility, Essentials of an MBA Program, Quality Yardsticks, Entrepreneurship, Location, MBA Technical Specifications, and Physical Facilities. Entrepreneurship education should be addressed primarily, as entrepreneurship is vital for economic growth in Peru. In order to raise their value proposition, B-schools are expected to take true initiatives in the CSR area and promote entrepreneurship education in their curricula, through both business-skills training and practical support given by the B-school.
- Author:
Rokhsareh Ghorbani Moghaddam
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
As the importance of reflective teaching is increasingly acknowledged, the need for its assessment is seen more essential. This study designed and validated a scale measuring reflective teaching in an EFL context. In doing so, a test comprising of 24 scenarios in a multiple-choice format was developed and administered to 120 Iranian EFL teacher participants. The scale’s reliability was obtained to be 0.75 using Cronbach’s alpha. In order to determine the construct validity of the tentative test, it was subjected to a series of factor analysis. The findings showed that the newly designed test could be used to measure reflective teaching. Some implications were suggested in the context of language teaching.