- Author:
Rajka Bračun Sova
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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This paper is a Central European contribution to the current knowledge of Erasmus students‘ motivations. It takes as its starting point the fact that one of the reasons for studying in a foreign country is learning about different cultures. 30 Erasmus students from 8 European countries, enrolled in Museum Education course in two academic years at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, participated in the research. The analysis of qualitative data, collected by individual interviews, a focus group and written personal reflections, revealed that, when making specific country and study decisions, students are driven by three motivational factors: discovery, change and curiosity. The research, done from the perspective of cultural heritage, additionally indicated how geography shapes the cultural experience of Erasmus students and what role museum and heritage site visiting play in it.
- Author:
Janusz Jartyś
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Szczecin
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The development of the civil society in Poland post-1989 has put the LGBT movement on the map of the country’s social landscape. As a corollary, it has also led to a greater social engagement of the non-heterosexual community striving for recognition of its demands. The establishment of the Campaign Against Homophobia (KPH) and the spread of the Internet in Poland have raised the Polish society’s awareness of the LGBT movement and made it part of the country’s political discourse. On the other hand, the perceived threat to the established conservative values of the Polish society has galvanised the opponents of the non-heterosexual community and its demands. The resulting dispute between the supporters and opponents of the LGBT movement and its professed ideas has placed the issue on the agenda of the Polish political parties.
- Author:
Muhammad Basri
- Author:
Rosmaladewi Rosmaladewi
- Author:
Amirullah Abduh
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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This paper aims to explore internationalization awareness and commitment of higher education in Indonesia. Since there are no publications on internationalization awareness and commitment for Indonesian higher education, this paper fills this gap. This qualitative case study involved 15 lecturers from an Indonesian university. This study used semi-structured interviews and data from the interviews were analyzed thematically. The research findings reveal that the internationalization of curriculum indicates awareness of internationalization by inviting experts and adapting curricula from developed countries. In addition, the commitment of internationalization was marked by the increasing quantity of international publications and collaboration with domestic and global agencies. The internationalization process faces both cultural and practical constraints. The finding suggests that there should be more elements of internationalization to indicate the preparation and the implementation of internationalization.
- Author:
Martin Auferbauer
- Institution:
University College of Teacher Education Styria
- Author:
Susanne Linhofer
- Institution:
University College of Teacher Education Styria
- Author:
Heiko Vogl
- Institution:
University College of Teacher Education Styria
- Author:
Georg Krammer
- Institution:
University College of Teacher Education Styria
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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As there is increasing diversity in contemporary societies there is also more emphasis on heterogeneity in educational institutions. In this way, internationalisation has become a core task for Higher Education Institutions. Teachertraining courses specifically designed to address student mobility suggest that students greatly profit from experiencing different educational systems. Furthermore, they benefit from positive personal development as, for example, international mobility fosters openness and emotional stability. Against this backdrop, four European Higher Education Institutions specialising in teacher training have launched an international joint study programme for future teachers: “E3: Empowering Education in the European Context”. On the one hand, this international joint study programme intends to foster the promising effects of student mobility, and on the other hand, it implements opportunities for internationalisation at home for students who are not able to participate in international mobility programs such as Erasmus+. The programme focuses on international teacher competences, on working and studying in international contexts and on intercultural exchange within the European context. After two editions (2017 in Brussels and 2018 Copenhagen), a structured reflection amongst participating teacher educators has revealed several benefits as well as some challenges of the multilateral programme. The current paper summarises the underlying structure of E3 and scrutinizes its background. Moreover, key benefits and challenges of this joint study programme are addressed to offer insights and recommendations for future implementations.
- Author:
Magdalena Zapotoczna
- Institution:
University of Zielona Góra
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The aim of the article is to analyse the extent to which the participation of students in learning mobility projects on the example of the Erasmus+ programme influences the improvement of their individual skills desired from the perspective of the labour market. The paper features an introduction that outlines the background to educational mobility. Susequently, historical context of learning mobility in Europe and the process of internationalisation of universities are presented as one consequence of the globalising labour market. In the next part of the paper, Erasmus+, i.e. the best-known programme promoting academic mobility in Europe, was presented. The final part contains a review of research on the competences of beneficiaries of learning mobility projects, supported by statistical data, and an att empt to draw a link between participation in student exchange and the chances of finding satisfactory employment after graduation. The basic research methods were literature review and analysis of statistical data, as well as available reports on the relationship between student mobility and competence development. The author refers to the results of studies carried out by the experts of the European Commission entitled Erasmus Impact Study (2014) and research reports of Foundation for the Development of the Education System Is mobility the key to a successful career? Tracer study report on vocational learners with transnational mobility experience (2018), Erasmus… and what next? Tracer study on education and careers of Polish students participating in Erasmus mobility projects (2019). Reports and expert studies on student mobility, such as: Flash Eurobarometer, Eurodata Student Mobility in European Higher Education i Mapping Mobility in European Higher Education constituted sources of statistical data. The analyses show that graduates with foreign mobility experience develop a number of characteristics and skills which increase their employability and career opportunities.