- Author:
Jacek Sobczak
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie
- Author:
Ksenia Kakareko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The Journalist’s Obligation of Special Care and Diligence in Collecting and Using Press Materials
The aim of the article is to establish the content of the concept of special diligence indicated in art. 12 sec. 1 of the Press Law, the obligation to exercise due diligence in collecting and usage press materials. The content of Art. 355 § 2 of the Civil Code as specifying what the diligence is expected from professionals. It was considered whether the exercise of “due diligence” in collecting the materials would exclude the unlawfulness of the journalist’s actions, if it turned out that, despite this diligence, false information was provided. The effects of failure to exercise due diligence in the matter of journalist’s liability were discussed, based on the analysis of jurisprudence that due diligence is required at all stages of collecting and usage press materials. The problem of due diligence was confronted with the journalist’s actions in defense of an important social interest.
- Author:
Talgat Jaissanbayev
- Institution:
SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny w Warszawie
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The main purpose of the article is to present the principles of functioning of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with descriptions of two branches of law – copyright law and mass media law in Kazakhstan. The beginning of the article is dedicated to the legislature, which is represented by bicameral parliament. Its seats, the legislative process as well as the current political situation are described. Followed by the executive power description together with its representative, the Government of Kazakhstan, which can be formed or dismissed by the president. The way the Government is formed and its authority are presented as well. In the next part of the article is the judiciary of Kazakhstan which is described together with the system of common and special courts followed by description the way the judges are appointed. A separate part in the article is dedicated to the President of Kazakhstan who plays an important role in the authority system and officially does not belong to any branch of the power. While describing the functions of the president, the characteristic title of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Elbasy” (the National Leader), which belongs to the current President Nursultan Nazarbayev, is also analyzed together with the features which make this title so special. The next part describes the ruling political party “Nur-Otan” (“the Luminosity of the Motherland”) which has been in charge since the year of 2004. The last part of the article is dedicated to the foundations of the copyright law in Kazakhstan and especially its basic legal acts, the bodies which are called to implement the copyright law and the copyright law specific features. The main legal acts and norms of Kazakhstani mass media law have been described as well, especially in the areas of advertising, print, radio and TV transmissions, rights and obligations of journalists.
- Author:
Emil Smardz
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The author analyses presumption of innocence in the media’s reporting of the judicial procedures. The principle of presumption of innocence says that the accused will be considered not guilty, unless his guilt will be proved in the final judgment of the court. This principle is written down in art. 42.2 of the Polish Constitution and art. 5 § 2 of the criminal procedure code. The above principle concerns all people, i.e. authorities of criminal process, police, administration agencies and even simple citizens. The Polish press law prohibits publication of personal data of the accused without the consent of public prosecutor or court as well as data of the injured person and witnesses without their consent. The press law also prohibits to prejudge the guilt of the accused before his conviction by the court of first instance. Alas, there are numerous cases of violation of such rules. Today one observes the increasing process of infotainment of mass media becoming more and more tabloid. They have a negative influence on realization of principle of presumption of innocence in everyday practice.
- Author:
Paulina Kwiatkowska-Serafin
- Institution:
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Form of an artistic expression, satire has been present in human’s life for ages. It has many varieties and forms. From the very beginning its practitioners have been subjected to the public authorities restrictions and have been getting into trouble with the ones who became objects of the artist projections. In Polish regulation – law, there is a justification of admissible satire, covered by the article 41 of the press law, witch is an extension to the justification of admissible criticism, covered by the article 213 of the polish penal code. However, there is no such thing as justification of art. due to this fact, the artist may be fully liable both for violation of personal rights and the offence of defamation.
- Author:
Jędrzej Skrzypczak
- Institution:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Problematyka tytułu prasowego, a zwłaszcza jego ochrony budzi spore wątpliwości natury teoretycznej, ale także praktycznej. Po pierwsze już chociażby z tego tytułu, że pojęcie tytułu prasowego nie zostało zdefiniowane w ustawie z dnia 26 stycznia 1984 r. Prawo prasowe54, ani w żadnym innym akcie normatywnym. Po wtóre, problematyka ochrony prawnej tytułu prawnego może być rozpatrywana z różnych perspektyw. Może to rodzić wątpliwości co do różnych źródeł udzielanej ochrony prawnej, a tym samym konieczności spełnienia innych przesłanek takiej ochrony przewidzianych przez odrębne regulacje. Należy jednak podkreślić, iż z samego faktu rejestracji dziennika lub czasopisma nie przysługuje żadne prawo podmiotowe. Jest to jedynie uprawnienie o charakterze formalnym. Nie oznacza to jednak, że tytuł prasowy nie może być przedmiotem obrotu cywilnoprawnego. W praktyce tytuł najczęściej będzie przysługiwał wydawcy, ale nie jest to regułą. Tytuł prasowy może być chroniony skutecznie na innych podstawach np. jako utwór w oparciu o przepisy prawa autorskiego, bądź na płaszczyźnie przepisów prawa cywilnego zapewniających ochronę dóbr osobistych, ewentualnie jako znak towarowy, wreszcie przepisami o zwalczaniu nieuczciwej konkurencji.
- Author:
Jacek Sobczak
- Institution:
SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
This article analyzes the penal provisions of the press law when considering the issue of responsibility for the publication of press material. It presents the cases of the notification of the violation of press law, joint and several responsibility of the press, contratyp of press criticism, satire, cartoons and press reports, the limitation of liability of the press, the question of exerting pressure on journalists and on press criticism, press publishing without registration, avoiding the publication of official announcements and arrest warrants, distribute materials of the case, a crime of an admission to the publication, as well as some questions relating to the proceedings for violation of press law.