Слова-символи у творах Григорія Сковороди як ознака художнього мислення
- Institution: Донбаський державний педагогічний університет (Donbass State Pedagogical University)
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2371-448X
- Institution: Донбаський державний педагогічний університет (Donbass State Pedagogical University)
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2001-5379
- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 15-22
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/PPUSN.2022.01.01
- PDF: pomi/04/pomi401.pdf
Words-symbols in the works of Grigoriy Skovorody as a sign of artistic thinking
The article analyzes the words-symbols in the artistic and philosophical world of Gryhoriy Skovoroda. Based on the classification of D. Chizhevsky, in the symbolism of the Ukrainian Baroque poet considered concepts-symbols by the following meanings: biblical words-symbols, archetypal symbols, cosmogonic words-symbols, symbols-names of creatures, natural phenomena, to denote the peculiarities of the environment. The poet-philosopher in his works uses such biblical words-symbols as God, Christ, the Bible, the heart, the angel, the prophet, the cross. In the works of G. Skovoroda there are archetypal images-symbols of fire, light, water, blood, circles. In the works analyzed by us, G. Skovoroda uses such cosmogonic words-symbols as: sun, moon, star, star. The word-symbol of the wing in the poet’s works is closely connected with biblical symbols, creates a positive characteristic and means «take-off». In the works of G. Skovoroda the main function of symbolic names of birds, such as: crow, dove, nightingale, eagle and hawk, characterological, it carries an emotional load. In the collection «Fairy Tales of Kharkiv» words-symbols to denote the names of animals represent certain human qualities. Gryhoriy Skovoroda also used symbols-names of natural phenomena in his work, in particular, such as: thunder, lightning, clouds, rainbow. Quite often in the works of G.S. Skovoroda there are such words-symbols to denote the features of the natural environment, such as forest, sea, roads. According to research, Christian symbols were of great importance to Gryhoriy Skovoroda, but a significant part of the symbols came to his worldview from the ideas of the ancient Slavs.