Plany współdziałania politycznego i militarnego Polski i Ukraińskiej Republiki Ludowej 1919–1921
- Institution: Naukowiec Niezależny
- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 143-156
- DOI Address:
- PDF: pomi/04/pomi413.pdf
Polish and Ukrainian political and military cooperation plans in 1919–1921
Geopolitical changes in post-WW-I Europe resulted in the rebirth of Poland and a short functioning of Ukrainian state, even without the formal recognition of its independence. Poland intended to become a leader for the western-border states of the Russian Empire by promoting a federal vision of Piłsudski’s followers. From Autumn 1919, it tried that toward the Ukrainian People’s Republic ruled by Petlura. Formally, it happened in April 1920 with the signing of political agreement and military convention. The goal was to take joint political and military action in the war between Poland and Bolshevik Russia in 1919-1920. However, the Ukrainian society did not support it and undermined its efficiency. Moreover, the leaders of both sides perceived the alliance’s essence differently and were not entirely loyal to each other. The cooperation’s end was a truce in the war signed on October 12, 1920, and then the Peace of Riga of March 18, 1921. Against Piłsudski’s will, Poland agreed to end cooperation with Petlura and intern his soldiers. The only thing Piłsudski agreed to was the independent action of Petlura’s followers, which had to end with a catastrophe.