Wywiady online w badaniach jakościowych okresu pandemii: inkluzywny potencjał, zagrożenie wykluczeniem i jakość gromadzonych danych
- Institution: Polska Akademia Nauk
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8081-5274
- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 38-62
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2022.03.03
- PDF: kie/137/kie13703.pdf
Online interviews in qualitative research of the pandemic period: inclusive potential, risk of exclusion, and quality of collected data
The paper is devoted to online interviews that gained significant popularity during the pandemic. The text has two main goals. The first was to reflect on the possible mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion of various categories of research participants. The second objective was to analyze the impact of the communication channels used with the respondents on the quality of the collected qualitative data. The study exhibits that online research is gradually becoming more inclusive, and the argument of digital exclusion is becoming increasingly outdated. The respondents’ education may still exclude, especially among lower than secondary education respondents. At the same time, the formula of online interviews offers a significant proinclusive potential, which was reflected in the participation in the study of a number of informants who could be permanently unavailable under traditional research. Research also shows that online interviews are generally effective. However, the application of diversified communication channels results in systematic and measurable differences in the collected data. Considering various aspects, Zoom offered data of better quality than Skype. On the other hand, mobile applications (and phone calls) do not constitute a natural alternative, and it is difficult to recommend them.