- Author:
Natalia Potera
- Institution:
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The main consequence of rapidly progressing globalization is the strengthening of new, dynamically developing economies. The paper includes the author’s reflections on the European Union’s strategy for the Indo-Pacific region, which is responsible for 60% of global GDP and 2/3 of global economic growth. As a result, this makes that neighborhood an area of conflicting interests and rivalry between the economically strongest state entities. Despite the relatively late involvement of other foreign players in the region, the European Union is also trying to strengthen its position in this area. On September 16, 2021, the “EU Cooperation Strategy in the Indo-Pacific Region” was established. The author of the paper will try to answer two main research questions: (1) What influences the shape of the European strategy towards the Indo-Pacific region? and (2) What obstacles does the European Union face in the process of shaping its relations with representatives of this region?
- Author:
Elżbieta Majchrowska
- Institution:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
EU trade agreements with Indo-Pacific partners in the light of the provisions of the EU strategy for cooperation in the region
The article contains considerations on the regional trade agreements (RTAs) negotiated and concluded by the EU with its Indo-Pacific partners. The agreements were characterized in the context of the provisions of the strategy adopted in 2021 for this region, the aim of which is to increase the EU’s involvement in the Indo-Pacific, also by strengthening and deepening trade relations through RTAs. The analysis presented in the study showed that, in view of the huge potential and growing importance of this area in the global economy, these relations are of key importance for the EU’s economic interests, and the trade agreements negotiated, concluded and enforced constitute an important tool for implementing the Indo-Pacific strategy and pave the way towards strengthening the position of the EU there.
- Author:
Anna Llanos-Antczak
- Institution:
University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The Obama administration announced the U.S. “Pivot to Asia” in November 2011, shifting the country’s focus from Europe and the Middle East to East Asia. In reality, it meant a lot of diplomatic gestures and new economic (trade) ties. Rebalancing was supposed to be an answer to China’s growing potential within almost all spheres. The strategy was supposed to strengthen bilateral security alliances, intensify cooperation with emerging regional powers, tighten ties within multilateral cooperation, expand US military presence in the region, develop economic engagement through new trade agreements and investments, and finally promote democracy and human rights. The paper will examine various dimensions of the pivot, focusing mainly on the military, diplomatic and economic spheres. It will also give a closer look at US–China relations and provide insight into the perception of the shift from the regional perspective.