Przyczynek do charakterystyki koncepcji gospodarczych Jana Bobrzyńskiego
- Year of publication: 2015
- Source: Show
- Pages: 33-55
- DOI Address:
- PDF: pbs/3/pbs302.pdf
Contribution to a Study of Jan Bobrzyński’s Economic Ideas
In this article the author shows selected economic views of Jan Bobrzyński, conservative statesman and ideologist from the interwar years. In further part of the article some reason of economic crisis, named by Bobrzyński, are being listed (e.g. interventionism, state management, violation of private property). The author shows also economic objectivity, pointed by Bobrzyński as the way to the modernization of Poland. In the conclusion, the author stresses that Jan Bobrzyński’s opinion on II Rzeczpospolitej economic system aren’t good effort of connecting liberalism with catholic church’ social doctrine. Jan Bobrzyński was trying to find the golden mean between hypertrophy of individualism unit and the socialist supremacy of the state. In his opinion, Cracow conservative school created an optimal model, growing the unit’s individualism in the name of common good.