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Punktacja czasopism naukowych Wydawnictwa Adam Marszałek według wykazu czasopism naukowych i recenzowanych materiałów z konferencji międzynarodowych, ogłoszonego przez Ministra Edukacji i Nauki 17 lipca 2023 r.

Scoring of scientific journals of Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek according to the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences, announced by the Minister of Education and Science on July 17, 2023.

  • Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne – 100 pts
  • Edukacja Międzykulturowa – 100 pts
  • Historia Slavorum Occidentis – 100 pts
  • Polish Political Science Yearbook – 100 pts
  • Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego – 100 pts
  • The New Educational Review – 100 pts
  • Art of the Orient – 70 pts
  • Italica Wratislaviensia – 70 pts
  • Nowa Polityka Wschodnia – 70 pts
  • Polish Biographical Studies – 70 pts
  • Azja-Pacyfik - 40 pts
  • Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie – 40 pts
  • Kultura i Edukacja – 40 pts
  • Reality of Politics - 40 pts
  • Studia Orientalne – 40 pts
  • Sztuka Ameryki Łacińskiej – 40 pts
  • Annales Collegii Nobilium Opolienses – 20 pts
  • Cywilizacja i Polityka – 20 pts
  • Defence Science Review - 20 pts
  • Pomiędzy. Polsko-Ukraińskie Studia Interdyscyplinarne – 20 pts
  • African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies - 0 pts
  • Copernicus Political and Legal Studies - 0 pts
  • Copernicus. Czasy Nowożytne i Współczesne - 0 pts
  • Copernicus. De Musica - 0 pts
  • Viae Educationis. Studies of Education and Didactics - 0 pts


New journals

Co-published journals

Past journals

Coloquia Communia

Coloquia Communia

Paedagogia Christiana

Paedagogia Christiana

The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies

The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies

The Peculiarity of Man

The Peculiarity of Man

Czasopisma Marszalek.com.pl

Znaczenie ruchu w edukacji matematycznej Ucieleśnione poznanie a kształtowanie się umysłowych reprezentacji liczb u dzieci

  • Author: Małgorzata Gut
  • Author: Natalia Witkowska
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 128-149
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kimwe2018111
  • PDF: kim/2018_1/kim2018112.pdf

The importance of motor activity in mathematics education. Embodied cognition and development of mental representation of numbers in children
This paper presents the review of literature concerning the importance of relationship between motor and cognitive activity in mathematical skills development. Cognitive and motor processing seem not to be related as well as the use of motor activity in the processing of numbers is far from an intuitive approach in mathematical education. A great number of studies show, however, that cognitive processes are embodied and therefore the involvement of movement in tasks requiring the participation of cognitive processes gives extremely positive results. This applies to both mathematics education practice in the case of children with normal development and those with a cognitive deficit in this area, called developmental dyscalculia. It is not surprising, therefore, the growing popularity of modern technologies that involve movement, which are used for cognitive math skills training, such as motion sensors, dance mats or educational games with elements of movement and dance. The beneficial influence of motor activity in mathematical abilities development is related to the spatial organization of representations of numbers arranged on the so-called Mental Number Line. It has been confirmed that such motor training develops and strengthens this spatial-numerical association, which is a predictor of skills of children in arithmetic.

The Role of 5G Technology in Superpower Rivalry between the United States and China: An Offensive Realist Approach

  • Author: Łukasz Gołota
  • Institution: University of Warsaw (Poland)
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5624-6080
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Page no: 18
  • Pages: 173-190
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppsy202396
  • PDF: ppsy/52/ppsy202396.pdf

The article aims to explain the importance of 5G technology in pursuing power and shaping the international competition between two superpowers: the USA and China. Accordingly, the research focus of this article is to explain how and why 5G technology is being used by China and the U.S. as a key instrument in their growing geopolitical rivalry. The study is framed within the theoretical approach of offensive realism. It is based on the primary assumption that superpowers like China and the United States tend to increase their power not only by expanding their armed forces and territorial conquests but also by using every possible opportunity to do so. The article researches two questions. What is the importance of 5G technology in the rivalry between China and the U.S.? How has the development of communication technologies influenced countries and their ability to shape the international environment? 5G technology is considered more than just the next generation of wireless connectivity, as it goes beyond traditional forms of use and addresses a new category of users. It is a structure intended to facilitate a new category of goods and services: smart cities, autonomous vehicles, automated factories, digital services, and robotization of decision-making processes.

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