- Author:
Jan Czechowski
- Institution:
Uczelnia Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. rtm. Witolda Pileckiego w Oświęcimiu
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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Writers of the children’s fiction – their role in the forming of attitudes from deliberations about the friendship
Abstract: Evoked values in work addressed to the young recipient are meeting the needs of the moral, cognitive, social, ethical nature among others well understandable – aesthetic. Writers creating works for children and teenagers are revealing the truth about the life, moral dilemmas and the solitude of the man. Authors of children’s books are provoking the reflective thinking of the reader, deepening his knowledge about oneself, world and other people in the process. In the present text the main theme constitutes the issue of the attitude which is developing within the friendship. Writers, writing works for the young recipient, are directing the linguistic announcement which simultaneously is a transmitter of specific values in their work. Into literary works values which refer for bringing up the process of teaching the value are written down. It is possible to accept proposals of attitudes prose writers writing for children and poets are including which in their works, or to oppose to them. Probably however it isn’t possible to stay in view of contents come across in the children’s fiction indifferent.
- Author:
Olena Budnyk
- Author:
Piotr Mazur
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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The issue of values in the education of young people is always relevant in the pedagogical literature. The main purpose of this article is to show the hierarchy of values of young people aged 12-15. The problem of the meaning of values in the lives of young people will be presented on the basis of our own research conducted among students from the Myślenice district (Poland) and Nadvirna district of the Ivano-Frankivsk region (Ukraine).
- Author:
Wojciech Kojs
- E-mail:
- Institution:
WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza,
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Education is a metaprocess focused on causing changes in individual and social resources of experience, knowledge, skills, attitudes, beliefs and aspirations, as well as in the state of health and physical fitness. This system of processes consists of many diverse interrelated interactions, actions, acts, deeds and activities, with many related elements and components, and among them control and evaluation activities. The purpose of the article is to present the results of analyzes and thoughts related to the determination of the role of these activities among other educational acts, related in particular to cooperation and mutual interaction. It goes well beyond the commonly accepted so-called school and colloquial understanding of these terms. They are treated primarily as cognitive and research activities, as well as valuing activities, as subject-making, person-forming and sociogenic tools. The basis of the research was a diachronic-synchronous model of the full, broadly understood act of educational activity. The resulting conclusions indicate their fundamental role in education.
- Author:
Iva Staňková
- Institution:
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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We współczesnym społeczeństwie sukces i jakość życia jednostki uzależnione są od zdobytego przez nią wykształcenia. Z licznych badań wynika, że właśnie deficyt niezbędnego poziomu wykształcenia należy do kluczowych czynników odpowiedzialnych za społeczne, a przede wszystkim ekonomiczne wykluczenie Romów. W ten sposób w dłuższej perspektywie system kształcenia jest niezwykle istotnym narzędziem służącym do ograniczenia skutków marginalizacji Romów i umożliwiającym wzrost ich szans na zaangażowanie społeczne. Systematyczne kroki wspierające kształcenie romskich dzieci oraz ich sukcesy w szkole budzą duże nadzieje, są również przedmiotem wielu wysiłków i pochłaniają znaczące środki finansowe. Artykuł powstał na podstawie projektu grantowego IGA SV60171706020 / 2110 Koncepcja wartości edukacyjnych z perspektywy uczniów z różnych środowisk kulturowych (Uniwersytet Tomasa Baty w Zlínie, Wydział Humanistyczny, Wydział Nauk Pedagogicznych, Republika Czeska). Autorka wykorzystuje częściowo wyniki realizowanego projektu, skupia się nie tylko na przyczynach szkolnych niepowodzeń romskich uczniów i studentów, ale głównie na czynnikach warunkujących pozytywną ścieżkę edukacyjną wyróżnionych grup. Przy wykorzystaniu metody rozmów narracyjnych z Romami z wyższym wykształceniem poszukuje ważnych momentów i specyficznych sytuacji, które przyczyniły się do uzyskania przez nich sukcesów edukacyjnych, ukoronowanych uzyskaniem absolutorium wyższej uczelni. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wskazują, iż aspiracje edukacyjne, jasno określone cele, wysoka pozycja edukacji w systemie wartości jednostki oraz własne możliwości i wysiłek są czynnikami determinującymi sukcesy szkolne romskich uczniów. Istotne są też rola wzorca grupy społecznej, jaką jest inteligencja romska, oraz postawa nauczyciela i jego kompetencje.
- Author:
Paulina Wiensak
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Hospice Voluntary Service in the Past and Today. An Attempt at Describing the Changes in the Strategy of Mobilizing for Volutary Service in the Symbolic Perspective
The text describes the values that are currently implemented in hospice volunteer service under consideration as per the theory of the symbolic dimension of collective action proposed by Donatello della Porta and Marco Diani. The values are presented from the two perspectives: motives mobilizing volunteers to get involved, the most important key in voluntary work and descriptions and interpretations of hospice volunteering by those in charge: coordinators and leaders of the movement. The method was used in order to display the current values of hospice volunteer movement and compare them with the ideology of the movement at the beginning of its formation in Poland. The data used for the analysis comes from my own research concluded in two palliative and hospice centers. Analysis of the transformation of values in hospice volunteer service shows the emergence of new motives to take action, for example, experience of illness, death of a family member and support received from the hospice, and elevation of self perceived value. A service to a person in need, charity, especially in the rhetoric of promoting hospice volunteering fades slowly. Leaders of hospice centers show voluntary service as a way of life, the purpose-making factor, and the possibility to develop people-to-people contacts. The added value of the text is extending the analysis to other areas of voluntary activity, drawing attention to the aspect of values and motivation. A more in-depth analysis on the subject matter would be of value and would furthermore help to determine key human values (selflessness, charity, and the will to help fellow man) surrounding the issue.
- Author:
Janusz Stanek
- Institution:
Academy of Physical Culture, Katowice, Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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In his article, the author outlines the values preferred by teachers and those aspiring to the profession. The presented data point to a very broad convergence between what teachers and students indicated with regard to their attitude towards values. Although one can observe certain, rather subtle, differences (related to, among others, the socio-demographic characteristics of those surveyed), they are of secondary importance and do not cause the axiological bases for the functioning of both groups to differ. What is significant is also the placement of such values as safety, responsibility and children. These values have a static character, connected with necessity and, at the same time, with the need to maintain one’s property. They proved to be slightly more appreciated by teachers than by students. The research shows one essential yet weak correlation: two values, wisdom and honesty, find a slightly wider acknowledgement among teachers than among their future colleagues. The same can be said of the case when the same values are chosen as primary. In this context, referring everything that takes place in the social space to distant, better times seems to be justified. No matter how it was in the real historical dimension, it appears justified to assert that it is undoubtedly better to live in an environment where the majority of those representing a given professional group (especially one as important for the social structure as teachers) recognise the importance of wisdom and honesty.
- Author:
Alicja Żywczok
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Core value and related principles, qualities, attitudes as reflected in the University of Vienna Code of Ethics
This paper is an attempt to address the following research questions: What core value and its associated principles, qualities, and attitudes are reflected in the University of Vienna’s Code of Ethics? What perception of the university does this document reveal? The first part of this paper is a description of the essential historical facts pertaining to this university, its organizational structure and the formation of world elites. The second part explains the importance of the code of ethics as a means of helping to direct human conduct toward social, educational, and economic goals. The third part was focused on the main axiological quality (value), as well as the aretological (virtues/characteristics), normative (principles/norms) and behavioral qualities comprised in the content of the Code. The value marked most clearly in the Code of Ethics of the University of Vienna was responsibility. It is also a desirable attitude of university members that predisposes them to exhibit qualities such as honesty and loyalty. The principles of conduct specified in the Code included: legality, expediency, economy, openness, risk minimization, sustainable development, “face to face” communication in situations requiring confidentiality.
- Author:
Marta Valihorová
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Matej Bel University
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Value is an interdisciplinary term studied by several fields of study. Psychology is one of them; it researches into values mostly in terms of needs, interests and human motivation. Our paper deals with the definition of the terms value, value system and value preferences of high school students. We present some results of broader research that was supposed to find out what is the value orientation of high school students as well as their preferences of terminal and instrumental values.