- Author:
Ewa Piaskowska
- Author:
Zbigniew Piaskowski
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Theory of complementarity
Abstract: We formulated linking issues psychological, genetic and logical a new concept of cognitive predispositions, called by us the theory of complementarity, on the basis of which can write much more perfect than the currently used algorithm of online employment agency. Besides cognitive psychologists, career counselors and geneticists our text will be interesting for young people who must choose vocational school, high school or higher education.
- Author:
Marek Chlebuś
- Institution:
Komitet Prognoz PAN
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Just numbers. Notes about the Nature of a Digital World
Only digits really exist in the digital world as only matter exists in a material world. In the first one, all physical things are pure abstraction, similarly as all numbers in the second one. Digits are the only substance of the digital worlds. This hi-tech Pythagoreanism leads to a very serious consequences, not only for philosophy, but also for practice. Various concepts and rules, evident here, in the digital world may not work at all, or work improperly, and guide us to absurds when used mindlessly.
- Author:
Jacek Moroz
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Constructivism is one of the most popular and fastest growing paradigm in recent pedagogy. The fundamental assumption of constructivism is the thesis that knowledge is always and with necessity human construction. All knowledge about the world around us is the result of our experience. Of course, there are many forms of constructivism, although the Polish educational literature generally mentions two faces of constructivism: the personal (inspired by Piaget’s psychology) and the social (based on the psychology of Vygotski). It appears that radical constructivism has not been given proper discussion in Polish pedagogy. This theory, what is important, is the most famous and important kind of constructivism because of its epistemological and educational assumptions and consequences. Therefore in this article I want to achieve two goals: 1) to present the principal assumptions and the thesis of radical constructivism as articulated by Ernst von Glasersfeld; 2) to discuss selected controversies that this model of knowledge and learning has brought about.
- Author:
Andrzej Glen
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Siedlce
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The article addresses the issue of usefulness of pyramid and boat epistemological metaphors in the process of cognition in security sciences, with the aim of creating a coherent epistemological theory of subject security. This usefulness was examined for the sake of the basic components of epistemology: the truth and its sources, the scope of cognition, and the specificity of the subject of cognition – subject security. A deductive method with syllogistic drawing of conclusions leading to the solution of the general problem and the probability of the working hypothesis was used. As a result, it was established that understanding the truth and its sources, methods of finding the truth, and determining the scope of cognition of subject security are supported by an epistemology subordinated to the boat metaphor. This metaphor allows for a less fundamental, but more systemic, look at the subject security. The holistic nature of the boat metaphor results from the overlapping of concepts (parts of the planking) built on the skeleton, the core of which is formed by the axiology of the security of the subject (keel), and the shape is given by ontology, epistemology, and methodology of the security of the subject (frames) and paradigms (stringers).
- Author:
Elżbieta Górnikowska-Zwolak
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Upper Silesia Higher Pedagogical School in Mysłowice
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Feminism as a philosophical concept is a general reflection on gender issues and women’s conditions. Since the 70s of the 20th century feminism has become an alternative way of creating knowledge from women’s perspective. The author notices that in Poland, unlike the West, feminist thought has not been treated with respect. She explains what the feminist theory is and then analyses the connections between feminist thought and social pedagogy; for both of them the essential categories are: engagement and empowerment. Applying the feminist perspective allows to examine the earlier periods of development of social pedagogy, especially its beginnings, and to discover women’s presence in the public sphere and their participating in developing socio-pedagogical thought.