System rządów w konstytucji Tunezji z 25 lipca 2022 r. na tle procesu autokratyzacji państwa w okresie prezydentury Kaïsa Saïeda
- Institution: Uniwersytet Jagielloński
- Year of publication: 2023
- Source: Show
- Pages: 271-283
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppk/74/ppk7420.pdf
The System of Government in the Tunisian Constitution of July 25, 2022 Against the Background of the Autocratization Process during the Presidency of Kaïs Saïed
The paper deals with the system of government that was established in the Constitution of Tunisia of July 25, 2022. The author points out that both this legal act and the accompanying constitution-making process should be seen as the result of the rapid departure from democratic mechanisms and standards. The autocratization process was launched during the presidency of Kaïs Saïed, although negative tendencies in this field had already occurred earlier. This led to the 2022 Constitution guaranteeing presidential dominance over the government and parliament, as the position of the head of state was significantly strengthened compared to the previous basic law (it was adopted in 2014, in the aftermath of the Arab Spring). The author argues that due to the imbalance of power, the constitutional system of government in Tunisia corresponds more to the assumptions of undemocratic hyper-presidentialism than the typical presidential model.